What is a lion cut?

What is a lion cut?

Just like dogs, cats need regular grooming as well. Also, like dogs, how much grooming they need varies. Shot haired cats are usually well maintained with regular brushing. Medium or long haired cats on the other hand will typically need a little more TLC to maintain their coats. Most cats are quite good at keeping themselves well groomed. However, some of them need a bit of help from their owners.

Some longer haired cats only require daily brushing and combing. Many cats love to be brushed. (I know my guy can’t get enough of it!). But there are some that just simply don’t like it. For those cats, the best option is taking them for a grooming.

There are plenty of groomers out there who will groom cats as well. What most owners typically have done is called a lion cut. The whole body is shaved short. A mane is left around their face and the tail is typically left as well. As for the legs and paws, there are a couple of different options. They can be left as boots, where the hair goes up to their elbow/knees. Or, socks, where the hair is left u p to their wrist / ankles. It is personal preference on the details of how they will look. (I’m personally a big fan of the boots and a nice big mane).

Some cats however do not enjoy being groomed. It can be quite stressful for them. Being in a different place, all the loud noises from clippers and blow dryers. Not somewhere a cat would prefer to be. This can sometimes make them difficult for groomers to handle. In the severe cases, taking them to your vet is the best thing to do. For the cats that are a little more difficult, and complicated matting, being at the vet allows the staff the option to use sedation if necessary. This can help minimize the stress for everyone. The cats are relaxed, which in turn allows the staff to groom them quicker. The faster it is done the happier the cat is.

Once groomed, the cat will be happier and more comfortable. Lion cuts give cats and owners a fresh start to then be brushed regularly, if the will now allow it! Overall it can help to be easier to maintain their coats. And when cats are happy, owners are happy!



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