Camping with Your Dog

Camping with Your Dog 

          For us dog lovers, many outdoor trips feel incomplete without the companionship of our furry best friends. But before doing so, there are a few things to consider to ensure your adventure with your dog is safe and worry free.


First thing first! Is your dog a good candidate to join you on your camping trip? Ask yourself these questions first:

Is your pet highly excitable or easily stressed?

Is your dog highly vocal?

Are they okay being on leash?

Do they respond well to commands?

Are they good with other dogs and new people?

Do they wander and / or are they an escape artist?

          If you responded yes to any of the above, you may want to reconsider if your pet would enjoy camping. Being outdoors all day can be highly stimulating to a dog that is used to being indoors most of the time. Camping also means respecting the wildlife along with fellow campers, which means barking must be at a minimum. If you have concerns, slowly introduce your dog through day trips such as hikes, leash free zones or even a dog friendly beach. Getting your dog to be able to adapt well and listen to commands in different environments will make your trip for both you and your dog way less stressful.


Before camping with your dog, make sure your pet is up to date on their vaccines. Being outdoors with wildlife and other dogs, increases their risk for contracting diseases such a leptospirosis, heartworm, Lyme disease and potentially Rabies. Insects such as ticks, fleas and mosquitos are also a concern for our pets therefore the use of seasonal prevention such as Revolution & Bravecto is highly recommended for protection. Additionally, microchipping is a great method of protection in the event that your dog becomes lost.

           Next is location. Be sure to research the campground’s pet rules to ensure your dog is all good to join you on your trip. Firstly, are they allowed? Must they be leashed? What areas are dogs prohibited? These are some questions to consider when choosing a place to set up camp.


 Packing for your pup is just as important for them as it is for you! Bring water for your dog to drink if a fresh water supply is not available. This is especially important as you don't want them to drink out of still water as it is a breeding ground for Leptospirosis. There are collapsible water bowls which are a great space saver. Other items that should be packed are enough food for length of stay plus a little extra (just in case!), leash, sturdy collar with ID tags, long lead for being tied out, bedding/towels and importantly, poop bags.


 Once at the campsite, it is best to keep your dog confined to the camp site on a leash. This ensures other campers won’t be disturbed and eliminates the risk of them running off. Teaching your dog commands such as “drop it” or “leave it” might be extra handy if they decide to get a little too curious! Be aware of your dog’s whereabouts especially around a campfire as their happy tails may get a little too close for comfort.


 Throughout your camping trip, you should be checking your dog’s coat regularly for ticks and other plant materials like burrs which can become irritating. Don't forget about those larger pests too! Always put away your dog’s food and water in a secure container out of easy access. Bears are the last thing you want to deal with!


Camping with your pooch should be fun and stress- free! With a little obedience, pest prevention and preparedness, you are and your best friend will be set out for an adventure to remember!


Have a safe and happy summer!

Lauren, VT


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