Ouch! Your Puppy is Nippy!

Ouch! Your Puppy is Nippy!

Those who have experienced the joy of working with puppies will often relate that one of the more trying aspects of raising a puppy is their tendency to nip. Aside from teething, most of the reasons behind nipping are behavioural in origin. Some reasons include:

Playing-By nature, puppies are full of energy. When playing, puppies tend to get excited, and all the excess energy they have built up in them can manifest as nipping. In order to keep calm, they require sufficient amounts of exercise on a regular basis to help deplete their energy levels.

Possessiveness and Protection-Canines in general tend to resort to nipping or biting when they believe their things (whether it is food, territory, or toys) are at risk of being taken. Puppies can also act in the same way, in that they may nip in order to protect their food, toys, or even their people!

In the same way that dogs will nip to protect their belongings, dogs will also nip if they themselves feel uncomfortable or in danger. Puppies may nip if they are being hugged, picked up, or restrained in any way. Though they may be less likely to nip people they are familiar with, it is important to start correcting any nippy behaviour from a young age; in this way, nipping behaviour in general will be discouraged, and will be less likely to persist into adulthood.

Teething- Puppies are constantly seeking out things to chew on to soothe their sore gums. Puppies are teething until usually 6 months of age so providing toys such as rubber kongs to chew on will provide relief for your puppy…and your hands….and your pant legs!

To discourage nippy behaviour, it is important to reward the good behaviours your puppy exhibits. Rewards can be in the form of treats or displays of affection that your puppy is comfortable with. However, rewards should not be given when attempting to directly stop the nipping behaviour. Giving treats as a distraction while your puppy is nipping will only serve to encourage more nipping in the future; your puppy will learn that nipping equates to receiving a treat, and will continue to behave as such. Instead, reward your puppy when they are calm, especially during situations that usually get them excited. This will teach them that staying calm is what will give them praise, and will help with further training in the long run.

Remember to be patient, calm, and consistent with your puppy, and they will soon be not only the loved, but well-behaved dog you hoped for.



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