Behind every Great Veterinarian is an Amazing Veterinary Technician

Behind Every Great Veterinarian is an Amazing Veterinary Technician

        Behind every veterinarian, there is an amazing veterinary technician. Most veterinarians will not disagree with this statement.

        Technicians play an integral, and very important role within veterinary medicine. We are the ones doing much of the work behind the scenes. We ensure the veterinarians we work with perform their job as efficiently as possible and ensure patients receive the highest standard of care.

        However, many people do not know what a veterinary technician does, let alone what we really are. When I tell someone I am a veterinary technician, I generally get a lot of confused looks. I will typically relate it to being a nurse. It’s at that point when people seem to understand. There are some people that will even ask ‘Oh, so you want to be a veterinarian one day?’ The answer to that is simply, no. I love my role within a veterinary clinic. We do so much more than what a nurse would do.

        Within human medicine there are many types of nurses. A veterinary technician on the other hand, fills all of these roles. We are a nurse, anesthesiologist, x-ray technician, oral hygienist, blood collector, laboratory technician, doctor’s assistant, educator, and much more.

        Veterinary technicians are skilled individuals that go through 2-3 years of training at an accredited college. It may be a shorter time being in school, but it still has its challenges and difficulties. There is a lot of information to learn about in that short period of time. Once schooling is completed, there are steps to take to become a registered veterinary technician (RVT).

        There is a lot more to veterinary technicians than what you may see as a client of a veterinary clinic. We care about your pet’s wellbeing just as much as you do. Some days are tiring and exhausting, others rewarding and filled with joy, most with a bit of both. But I wouldn’t change it for anything, I love what I do. I’m proud to be a veterinary technician!



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