Why a Veterinary Professional Would Be a Useful Person to Utilize Post-Apocalypse

Why a Veterinary Professional Would Be a Useful Person to Utilize Post-Apocalypse

This professional can be anyone who works in the veterinary field, whether it is a Doctor, RVT, Veterinary Assistant, or a Veterinary Receptionist. We see a variety of situations on a daily basis and are  primed for a variety of curve balls. Here are my top reasons why you should find my colleagues and I, post- apocalypse. (Because we work best as a team!)

  1. We are all WAY stronger than we appear.  Typically anyone I know is going to seek help lifting that 30kg lab onto the table but when it comes down to it I am more than capable of doing this on my own. Not only are we strong, we know how to carry our own weight as a team member.

  1. We may not be pharmacists but we definitely know our pharmacology.  A lot of medications we use come from human medicine and even though we don’t treat humans, a basic understanding of how these medications work is a useful tool when there isn’t a pharmacist in sight to help you make a decision. Also WHICH antibiotic is the best choice for certain conditions is a good skill too.

  1. We are good at both delegating and simultaneously taking direction. Got an idea of how we could be more efficient/ productive in our tight knit post apocalypse group? Great! We are  open minded and definitely open to suggestions on how to improve ourselves. All of our careers require continuing our education and learning when to step up and when to step down and let someone else take the lead. For example when I was being trained to be the surgical technician at my current job, I had to learn how to be in charge of others, a concept which was foreign to me.  The RVT who trained me did an excellent job at LETTING me take charge and figure out my own routine.

  1. A hungry zombie is basically a slow moving version of an aggressive cat (angry and trying to bite and scratch) I can deal with that! I have excellent  restraint techniques for a variety of animals ranging from lizards to cats to horses.  Even better, generally we can do these restraints without being bitten/ scratched using any number of techniques.

  1. We are well prepared for a variety of situations. Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D are already in the back of our minds as things don’t always go as planned.

If these reasons are not enough for civilians to seek veterinary professional help post- apocalypse just remember, we can also help your beloved furry family member and would never in a million years leave them behind either!

Lexy, RVT (with the help of Ned the Bearded Dragon) 


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