Why should I spay my cat or dog?

Why should I spay my cat or dog? 
There are several reasons to have your pet spayed.  These include the prevention of pet overpopulation, uterine infections, and cancer in your pet.  
Millions of unwanted cats and dogs are euthanized in the United States and Canada every year.  Getting your pet spayed will help reduce the number of accidental pregnancies that contribute to this monumental problem. 
Spaying also prevents the possibility of uterine infections.  While the treatment for uterine infections is removal of the uterus and ovaries (spay) - these animals are usually so sick at the time of diagnosis that they require hospitalization, antibiotics, and a more intensive surgery that can cost in the thousands of dollars.  
Last but not least, spaying can prevent the occurrence of mammary cancer.  Studies in dogs show that spaying before the first heat reduces the incidence of mammary cancer to 0.5%.  Waiting until after the first heat increases the incidence to 8%, and waiting until after the second heat increases the incidence to 25%.  Mammary cancer is the 2nd most common cancer of dogs and the 3rd most common cancer of cats.  50% of mammary tumours in dogs are malignant (meaning they can spread to other parts of the body and/or invade the normal tissues around them) and 50% are benign (meaning they are confined to one site on the body).  The numbers are worse in cat - with 80% of mammary tumours being malignant and only 20% being benign. 
So you see, there are several reasons to have your cat or dog spayed - not the least of which is that you might actually save her life

Dr Jeff Odell


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