When Cats talk back

When Cats talk back

I love the fact that I have the special skill of being fluent in cat language. Reading body language is probably one of the most important and useful skills to being a veterinary technician so we can appropriately respond to a poor kitty’s fearfulness.  (Without this skill, we could easily become our feline friend’s “scratching post” as they have lightning fast reflexes).

Most cats will become submissive in the exam room. If they are super quiet and hide their head in their pet parent’s armpit then we probably won’t know they are there. They tend to never look at us and try and curl up small.  Then there are the  ones that want you to know they are there and they are not ashamed to say it. Weapons are drawn, armour is donned and they prepare themselves for battle. Our job, as veterinary technicians, is often to do our best at making them less fearful, less anxious and therefore not feel they need to “hide” or “prepare for battle”.  After all, we only have their best interest at heart.

Don’t get me wrong, we do have feline patients that simply love to visit us too. They are confident and precocious, trotting about the exam room with their tail held high examining everything before they allow themselves to be examined.   My favourite feline patient, however; is the one who just swears at you. This patient will start with soft grumbling noises and a tail swish. It often progresses to a quiet meow every time you move your hand. Once they start hissing we have reached full on swearing territory; the kind that if a cat could speak English would even make a seasoned comedian blush.

Most cats respond well when we move slowly and treat them delicately and show them that they can trust us. Sometimes they become our friends but some just prefer to be an acquaintance of sorts. That’s OK... we take no offence and are ready to simply try again at the next visit.


PS. Although some cats have the following Cat Body Language Guide, most of them, live by another guide all together.  Enjoy the Guide and Stay tuned next week to see what Dr. Amina Johnson has to add to the subject.


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