My pet ate something they shouldn’t have, what do I do?

My pet ate something they shouldn’t have, what do I do?

Our pets can sometimes get into things they are not supposed to eat. This can range from foods off the counter, in the garbage, off the ground outside, fabric/clothing, string, toxins and many more! The best thing to do in these situations is to call us for advice. If there is any concern that your pet’s health will be compromised by what they ate, we will recommend you bring them in for an exam. If any remnants of the toxin or the packaging are available, we will ask that you bring it with you so we can best estimate whether a toxic dose was ingested.

We will take a thorough history and then perform a complete physical examination to determine whether you pet is showing any adverse signs. These may include neurologic issues such as seizures or incoordination or gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite or abdominal pain.

Based on our findings from the history and physical exam, we may recommend inducing vomiting if we suspect there is a toxic substance in the stomach that has yet to be fully absorbed. We may also administer a substance called activated charcoal that binds the toxin and prevents it’s absorption into the body. Blood and urine testing will be recommended to assess organ systems for signs of toxicity. If we suspect your pet has ingested an object that is stuck in their stomach or bowel, we will recommend x-rays to further assess. Sometimes foreign objects will pass on their own and sometimes they require surgery or endoscopy and thus close monitoring is required. We may recommend hospitalizing your pet to administer intravenous fluids, anti-nausea medication and other supportive treatments. No matter what your pet ate, it’s always best to call us. We’re here to help and we can provide you with the best advice for your emergency situation.

Dr John Booth



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