Halloween Safety

Halloween Night -  A night full of scary fun
The Richview Animal Hospital wants to remind all of our clients and their friends  with companion animals that Halloween can be a really frightening holiday for pets. While adults and children alike enjoy the costumes and candy, these things can actually distress or endanger our pets.

Dogs and cats rely on daily routine. When that routine is disrupted by lots of noise and commotion, like trick-or-treaters ringing the doorbell or lots of strangers in unusual clothes in their house, pets can become frightened or agitated. It's best to keep pets at a safe distance from the festivities.


j0436318.pngKeep pets safely inside, away from trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities. This will ensure that pets won't become frightened or feel threatened at the sight of noisy costumed children. Cats, especially black ones, may be the target of pranksters. People with    black cats should be extra careful about keeping their cats safe during this time.  In addition, frequently opened doors provide a perfect opportunity for escape, which can go unnoticed during all of the commotion. Be sure all pets are wearing collars with ID tags in case of accidental escape.

j0436318.pngKeep candy out of your pet's reach. Candy can be harmful to pets and chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs.  Tin foil and candy wrappers can also be hazardous if swallowed. 

j0436318.pngKeep pets away from decorations.  Flames in jack-o-lanterns and candles can quickly singe, burn or set fire to your pet's fur.  Curious kittens especially run the risk of getting burned.  Pets can become tangled in hanging decorations like streamers and can choke on some decorations if they chew on them.

j0436318.pngDon't bring the family dog along for trick-or-treating.  Dogs may become difficult to handle during the noise and confusion of the festivities. A lost dog or loose dog can bite quickly and end your Halloween fun. Instead, walk your dog early in the night, before it gets dark.

j0436318.pngAll but the most social dogs should be kept in a separate room during trick-or-treat visiting hours; many strangers in strange garb can be scary for a dog.  You can keep your pet safe by placing him/her in an enclosed area with a toy and soothing music.  Resist the urge to include your pet in your Halloween activities, and everyone can enjoy the holiday.

j0436318.pngDon't dress the pets in costume unless you know they love it. Otherwise, it puts a lot of stress on them. Most pets dislike the confinement of costumes and masks, and flowing capes can cause injuries if pets get caught on something. 

j0436318.png If you do dress up your dog, make sure the costume isn't constricting, annoying or unsafe. Be careful not to obstruct their vision and get your dog used to wearing his/her costume before the actual date of Halloween.

Contact one of our team members if you have any questions or concerns about making this Halloween weekend as safe as possible.


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