Pet Allergies

Many pet owners only think of their veterinarian for routine shots, or for accidents or serious conditions. Perhaps the owner also brings their pet in for a wellness check, or for preventive care and routine treatment. Unfortunately, your pet can have quality of life issues as well, and suffer from many of the conditions that affect people, and make life miserable. Among the most common quality of life complaints, for both people and their pets, are seasonal allergies. If you are looking for pet allergies treatment, we at North Yonge Veterinary Hospital in Newmarket, ON, are here to help with preventative care from a “veterinarian near me.” 

Pet Allergies

What Are Pet Allergies?

For pets, as for people, allergies arise when the body's immune system responds to some foreign substance, mistaking it for something dangerous. The substance causing the reaction could be, and usually is, quite harmless in itself, but the body responds to it in a variety of ways. Pollen, mold, dust, or other environmental factors can all trigger the allergic response. Insect bites or bee and wasp stings also lead to allergic reactions. Medicine can also trigger an allergic reaction

Pet Allergy Symptoms

As a result, your pet can develop a range of symptoms including itchy skin, hives, or other swelling from insect bites, breathing difficulties, like wheezing or coughing, or eye difficulties, like rheumy or watery eyes. At lower levels of allergic reaction, the pet is miserable, just as a person would be. Some allergic reactions, though, can be so serious as to be life-threatening.

Pet Allergy Treatments

Because allergies can be so persistent, and so unpredictable in their severity, when your pet suffers from an allergic reaction, it can be useful to have a veterinarian look at the condition. We are able to diagnose allergies and test for the most common causes of allergies in pets.

We are also able to suggest options to reduce or eliminate the cause of the allergy in your pet. It could be as simple as a change in diet or the removal of something from your pet's daily environment. We can also recommend other lifestyle adjustments or natural treatments.

Get Preventative Care and a Pet Wellness Exam from a Veterinarian on Our Veterinary Team for Seasonal Allergies

We are proud to serve our friends and neighbors in and around Newmarket, ON. If you live or work near us, and are looking for veterinary care for your pets, consider calling North Yonge Veterinary Hospital today for an appointment. We are always delighted to meet new people and would welcome the opportunity to showcase our facility and our services. Call us at (905) 830-0437 for a pet wellness exam from a “veterinarian near me.”

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