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The Importance Of Annual Pet Exams

Crow Hill Veterinary Hospital in Bailey, CO understands that your pet is an important and beloved member of your family. You want to ensure that your pet has a long, healthy and happy life. We're here to partner with you to make sure that happens. If you are interested in annual pet exams and want to learn more, give our experienced and friendly veterinary staff a call today!

Why Are Annual Pet Exams Important?

Just like people, it is important for your pet to have an exam on an annual basis. Even if they seem healthy, this pet exam -- which is often referred to as a wellness exam -- is designed to keep your pet up-to-date on the latest vaccination recommendations, assess their current health status and detect any potential issues before they get serious.

What Can You Expect at an Annual Pet Exam?

At an annual pet exam, the focus is on wellness and maintaining your pet's good health. In addition to a comprehensive physical examination, Crow Hill Veterinary Hospital might perform other services such as a parasite screening, blood tests, stool sample check, diagnostic testing and urinalysis.

Another primary area of focus is to detect any early stages of disease that your pet might be suffering. In many cases, the earlier a medical condition is discovered, the better the chances of treatment and maintaining a high quality of life for your pet.

Is an Annual Pet Exam Enough?

For most pets, having a veterinarian examine them at least once a year is recommended unless there are issues or concerns you have in the meantime. Those pets who are seniors or who have chronic health issues will likely require more frequent wellness visits.

Call Crow Hill Veterinary Hospital Today!

Crow Hill Veterinary Hospital cares about you and your pet. We're ready to assist you in providing them with the best care possible. Contact us today to schedule your pet's annual exam today. If you are searching for high quality services for your furry friend, our veterinary hospital can help you today!
