Comprehensive Medical Surgical Care


During the veterinary examination, all systems of the animal’s body are evaluated. We strive to answer all of your questions and explain your pet’s diagnosis with diagrams, models, or pictures to illustrate the information. Client education is a core value for us. We try hard to provide each and every client with some new nuggets of veterinary insight on making their dog or cat healthier!


Our radiology equipment allows us to diagnose broken bones, heart disease, and those crazy animals that swallow pennies, fishhooks, and 2 cups of sand! We can perform diagnostic imaging on the smallest kitten to the largest Saint Bernard.


Blood tests are an essential part of a thorough evaluation of the canine and feline patient for diagnosis and prevention of dog and cat diseases. There are a number of different blood tests that can be evaluated, and when tied in with other diagnostic entities such as a urine analysis, radiographs (x-rays), physical exam and patient history, an accurate picture of a patient’s health status can be assured.


One of the most common health concerns of cats and dogs today is oral disease caused by infections, injuries and developmental problems relating to the teeth. and Dogs, in particular, are hard on their teeth with their habit of chewing on hard objects such as bones, rocks, cow hooves, and inappropriate toys. The dogs have strong jaw muscles that clamp down on these objects, causing the tooth enamel to break or fracture. This often leads to an open pulp cavity, or root canal, which must be treated or bacteria will spread into the tooth and jaw.

Both dogs and cats can accumulate plaque and tartar on their teeth and gums. This material is made up of food particles, saliva, and bacteria. It causes inflammation and infection of the gums, which eventually leads to pain, abscess formation and tooth loss.

Puppies, especially in the smaller breeds, can retain their baby teeth long after they should have fallen out. These extra teeth cause the adult teeth to be in the wrong location in the mouth, which can lead to excessive wear of the permanent teeth and an even greater problem with plaque than other dogs will have.

Our dental procedures provide a thorough cleaning for your pet’s teeth and recommend this procedure before problems develop.


Our pets need a good diet for a long and happy life. Not only is the right diet necessary but also the correct quantity of food is critical. Many dogs and cats are obese. This leads to many illnesses and a reduced quality of life for your pet. Our practice is dedicated to getting your pet on the road to nutritional success! After meeting with your pet's veterinarian to discuss your pet’s nutritional needs, we offer free follow-up weigh-ins and charts to track your pet’s progress!

Did you know that by age two, pets have already reached adulthood? A visit to the veterinarian every year is equivalent to a person seeing his or her doctor every seven years. Aging is a natural and inevitable process that we all face. Pets, however, age much faster than people. Today, the average life span of dogs is about thirteen years. By the time a pet reaches age four, it’s considered middle aged. At the age of seven, many dogs and cats have already started their senior years. Because dogs and cats age more rapidly than people the potential onset of serious illness or disease occurs over a shorter time period for pets.


We offer a large kennel with runs to accommodate all sizes of pets. We have a lovely, grassy fenced area for each pet to exercise in a minimum of twice a day. Our highly skilled technician cares for the pets each day and will promptly alert our on call veterinarian if your pet is in need of care. Some of our clinics also offer special services for additional fees for our boarding clients such as special drop off/pick up times, medicine administration, and basic grooming. Please check with your clinic for specific offerings.

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