
5488 Warrensville Center Rd

Maple Heights, OH 44137

(216) 662-6117

Maintaining Pet Health in the Warm Months

Tips for Pet Wellness in the Warmer Months

Spring and summer are great times to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air with your pet. However, they can also be potentially dangerous. Our team at Suburban Veterinary Clinic in Maple Heights provides some crucial steps you can take to keep your pet safe and healthy.

Make Hydration a Top Priority

Just like you, your pet can become dehydrated in the warmer months. And unfortunately, this can lead to heat stroke and other dangerous consequences. Hydration should always be made a priority by keeping water available at all times. If you’re taking your pet out with you, carry a water bottle and something they can drink from.

Keep an Eye on Pet Nutrition

Appetites often change according to the seasons, so don’t be overly alarmed if you notice your pet eating a little less. If significant changes occur, visit your veterinarian. They can ensure that your pet is fine and provide any pet nutrition recommendations.

Be Smart About Exercise

You don’t want your pet to be inactive, but you need to be smart about walks and other types of exercise. Avoid the hottest parts of the day, opting instead for earlier mornings or later afternoons when the sun isn’t at its peak. Also, protect your pet's paws on hot surfaces.

Provide Some Shade

It’s important that your pet has access to shade when they are outdoors. Trees provide an ideal covering, but if your yard is lacking trees, set up an area with anything you can get your hands on. And be sure to add a water bowl to the area.

Do Not Leave Your Pet in a Vehicless

It doesn’t take long for the inside of a vehicle to heat up significantly. Leaving your pet in a vehicle for even a few minutes can lead to organ damage and even death. If you will be going somewhere your pet can’t come with you, it’s safer to leave them at home.

Schedule a Pet Wellness Exam in Maple Heights, OH

Starting the warm months with a vet visit can be a smart way to ensure your pet’s optimal wellness. Call (216) 662-6117 to schedule an appointment with our team at Suburban Veterinary Clinic.