Surgical Protocols

Every pet, regardless of age, deserves to be healthy and pain-free.  Our surgical protocols are in place for safety and comfort.  

All surgical patients are required to have pre-anesthetic blood work.  This helps us to know how your pet's organs are functioning.  Information provided by blood analysis is crucial to tailoring anesthetic to your patient.  Though it is not possible to eliminate all risk, blood tests and tailored anesthesia significantly improve the safety of anesthesia.  So much so that senior patients can safely have surgeries to improve the quality of their life!

Stone House Animal Hospital believes strongly that pain management is of the utmost importance!  Never should a surgical patient not receive pain medications.  Our patients receive injectable pain medication immediately prior to surgery so they don't awaken in pain and are sent home with oral pain medications.   We will never put a "cone" on your pet as proper treatment and pain management makes the use of these obsolete.

For more information about our surgical protocols and pain management philosophy, please see the Care topics tab.