Senior Care Program

As pets reach a more advanced age there are a variety of conditions and diseases they may face. Changes can be gradual, making them less obvious. It is also in your pet's nature to hide any pain they may feel. That's why a baseline evaluation is so critical for the long term comfort and care of your older pet.

We understand caring for an older pet can be expensive, therefore we created this program to
package the most beneficial screenings at a discounted rate. >
This will allow us to help you keep your loved ones happy, pain free and healthy.

Our program includes:

Sedation - Sedation makes collecting blood samples pain free and allows us to take pictures and x-rays with less stress and fear.

Complete physical - includes evaluation of general appearance, temperature, body weight, heart, lungs, ears, eyes, skin, coat and joints.

Intestinal Parasite screening - a fecal sample will be checked for evidence of parasites.

Blood Chemistry Panel - this test is used for assessing the function of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs.

Heartworm test (canine only)- this test looks for worms that live in the heart and can cause damage and fatigue.

White and Red Blood cell test (CBC) - helps in the diagnosis of cancer, infection, bleeding problems, & provides insight to the health of your pet's immune system.

T4 blood test - this test helps us to evaluate the thyroid function which can impact weight, hair loss and fatigue.

X-ray of hips, heart and lungs - osteoarthritis of the hips is very common in older pets and can significantly impact quality of life and mobility. These baseline x-rays will help us to identify any arthritic changes and monitor for heart and lung changes that may be caused by disease.

Tonopen reading - measures changes in eye pressure (glaucoma).

Whole body thermal imaging- this image gives us a chance to identify pain your pet may feel and give us a baseline for future changes.

Dental Screening - dental disease can be painful and if not treated appropriately can lead to kidney and heart problems. It's also one of the most common diseases impacting older pets.

Urinalysis - a urine sample will be checked for evidence of infection, as well as assessing kidney function and screening for diabetes.

You will receive:

  • 20% off the Senior Care Program
  • a copy of all x-rays, dental images, thermal images and any images taken during the examination
  • comprehensive health report including all results, interpretations, evaluations and recommendations
  • complementary nail trim for your dog
  • 10% off dental cleanings if found to be necessary
  • peace of mind knowing the current health of your pet and how to keep your loved one happy, healthy, and pain-free

How it works:

Make an appointment for the Senior Care Program. Drop your pet off in the morning and pick up after work or later that evening. We do require appointments so that we can ensure you have plenty of time to discuss your pet's health profile and be sure all of your questions are answered.