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Waterford, MI 48327

(248) 363-6262

Canine Curiosities: ULVH Answers 5 Most-Asked Questions About Dogs

questions about dogs

Although dogs are truly humankind’s’ best friends, many of their behaviors can leave us downright perplexed. Because we believe that anything that fosters understanding between people and their pets should be encouraged, your friends at Union Lake Pet Services have put together a list of some of the most commonly asked questions about dogs for your reading enjoyment. 

1.Why does my dog try to hump things? 

Humping often occurs as a by-product of arousal. It is very common in puppy play and does not mean the dog is dominant or trying to be sexual. Humping can be secondary to excitement in a good way. However, dogs often engage in humping as a way to relieve stress. If your dog is frequently humping and it is concerning to you, evaluate the context in when it is occurring and if the environment has become stressful. It is completely okay to allow your dog to hump an object, but if it becomes excessive, continues to occur on another dog or is upsetting to you, do not yell or correct your dog. Instead, redirect them to a toy or another activity that may help relieve their stress. Humping is rarely sexual and is a normal, healthy way for dogs to show their excitement or relieve stress. 

2. Why does my dog hate the mail carrier? 

Did you ever wonder why your dog barks at the mail carrier, FedEx driver, pizza delivery person, plumber, gardener, etc.? Besides being a territorial response to the entrance of a stranger onto the property, the fact that these strangers normally leave quickly may actually be making your dog think that his or her barking is responsible. 

Do not yell or punish your dog for barking because it will just add to their anxiety or fear of the mail carrier approaching. Instead leave a bag of treats in the mailbox with a note to the mail carrier asking them to toss them to your dog, even if the dog is barking. This will not encourage barking, but instead help to change your dog’s emotion from fear of having the mail carrier approach to anticipation in knowing that when the mail carrier comes by, good treats come your dog’s way. This is called counter-conditioning. If your dog continues to struggle with barking, Union Lake Pet Services offers comprehensive dog training classes and one-on-one training to address problem behaviors. 

3. Why do my dog’s paws smell like Fritos? 

This common, “corn chip” odor that many dog owners have noticed emitting from their pet’s precious paws is actually caused by the bacteria that naturally reside between your dog’s toes. Dogs sweat through their paws, and this sweat becomes trapped in the fur between the footpads, contributing to the yeasty smell. Trim the fur between the pads and bathe your dog regularly to cut down on paw odor. 

4. Why does my dog bury things? 

Your dog is likely responding to an ancient urge, passed down from his or her ancestors. Before they were domesticated, dogs didn’t always know where their next meal would come from, so burying excess food was a way to hide it from scavengers and keep it safe until hungry again. 

5. Why do dogs have whiskers? 

Dogs have whiskers on their muzzles, jaws, and above the eyes. Not unlike feline whiskers, dog whiskers are highly sensitive organs that shape how a dog views his or her world. Follicles at the base of each whisker send messages to the dog’s brain regarding changes in air currents and vibrations, which help the dog “see” the size, shape, and speed of nearby objects more clearly, especially at night. 

Whiskers can also help to communicate how a dog is feeling. For example, many dogs will flare their whiskers and point them forward when they feel threatened. 

Do you have any other burning questions about your best pal’s behaviors, or theories as to why dogs do what they do? Comment on our Facebook page, give us a call, or let us know the next time you come in. See you soon!