6547 Cooley Lake Rd

Waterford, MI 48327

(248) 363-6262

Do You Want to Help Animal Shelters? You Can…From Home!

 Most animal lovers would be happy to devote hours each week to helping cats and dogs in need, but it can be very difficult squeezing in volunteer time. Between hectic work schedules, ongoing activities, and other demands, volunteerism is commonly relegated to the backburner. Don’t feel guilty! There are several great ways you can still lend your skills and time to help animal shelters – and you don’t even have to leave the house!

Out of the Way

One of the easiest things you can do to help animal shelters is to simply donate money. If you can, great! If you don’t have that built into your budget, consider the following:

  • Call your preferred shelter or rescue to learn more about what type of items they need.
  • Scan sites like Craigslist, eBay, or Freecycle to find what’s needed. Once the items are gathered, arrange for a pickup or drop off. This might include food, litter, blankets, cleaning supplies, toys, and more.
  • If they need office supplies, call around to stores or hotels to see what businesses might be willing to donate.
  • Help animal shelters get the word out about specific adoptable pets through your preferred social media platform. Post their pictures and adoption information on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and more. You never know, one of your contacts may be just the right match!

Use Your Talents

Many animal lovers are also quite crafty. If this is your thing, consider making items you can donate. Bandanas, blankets, toys, and more can all be made using upcycled materials like old jeans or t-shirts.

Just because we said “stay home” doesn’t mean stay on the couch! If you’re a skilled carpenter or weekend DIY-er, consider building a cat tree or hang out structure. Again, make sure this is something the shelter needs/wants before getting the job done.

You can also help animal shelters by offering your experience as a graphic designer, website developer, creative writer, marketing analyst, bookkeeper, or legal expert.

Help Animal Shelters Raise Funds

Encourage donations at parties, social events, and even at school or work. Creating your own drive is not only fun, but by getting others involved in your cause, you help change perceptions. Instead of gifts or food offerings at your next party, ask that people donate to an animal shelter. Likewise, installing a donation jar in the break room at work or in a classroom at school can allow people to donate whenever they want.

Be the Change

Helping animals in need is incredibly gratifying. When you can be the change, you’re more likely to see the change in others.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about how you can help animal shelters. Our Fear-Free Practice is always here for you!