6547 Cooley Lake Rd

Waterford, MI 48327

(248) 363-6262

Bringing Them Home: Pet Microchipping 101


As pet owners, we hate the thought of a lost dog or cat. Responsible pet owners hope that collars and ID tags will suffice to reunite us with our pets should they get lost, but these important items are not foolproof. Collars can break and ID tags can fall off or become permanently unreadable. This makes it nearly impossible for an animal shelter or veterinary hospital employee to contact you.

Having your pet microchipped may be the best way to increase your chances of being reunited with a lost pet. We’ve seen the difference between a happy reunion and a pet who can’t be matched with a frantic owner so we offer you our top five reasons why every pet owner should consider pet microchipping.

1. It Works!

According to a survey conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association, an animal’s chances of being reunited with his or her family increase significantly when a microchip is used:

Lost dogs without microchips are returned to owners 21.9% of the time, and dogs with microchips are returned 52.2% of the time.Lost cats without microchips are returned to their families 1.8% of the time, and cats with microchips are returned 38.5% of the time.

That’s a huge difference so give your pet every chance of success!

2. It’s Safe!

A microchip implant is safe and will not harm your pet. The chip is encapsulated in a nontoxic, biocompatible material, and because they contain no internal power source, there is no radiation or any other type of energy emitted.

3. It’s Easy!

A microchip is tiny, about the size of a grain of rice, and is imbedded in the skin between your pet’s shoulder blades via hypodermic needle (it’s no more painful than a standard vaccination). Your pet can be microchipped right here in our office.

4. It’s Secure!

Microchips don’t utilize GPS technology, so your pet’s whereabouts cannot be tracked. In the event your pet is scanned for a microchip at a shelter or veterinary hospital, an identification number is all that appears on the scanner screen. The employee will then call the microchip company and give them the number, which the company will use to contact you.

5. It Lasts a Lifetime!

The materials that make up your pet’s microchip are designed to stay in place inside your pet’s body, and are made to last 25 years. Unlike a collar or ID tag, a microchip won’t fall off or become destroyed during your pet’s adventure away from home.

Pet Microchipping Requires Your Input

Your pet’s microchip is only as good as the information it contains. As soon as your pet has had his or her microchip implanted, you will need to register your contact information with the microchip company’s database, and keep it up-to-date each time you move or change your phone number. Unless the database has your contact information, there is no way for the ID number on the chip to connect you with your lost pet.

Our goal is to ensure that you don’t suffer the heartbreak of losing a beloved pet. Do you still have questions or concerns about pet microchipping? Don’t hesitate to contact your team at Union Lake Veterinary Hospital!