6547 Cooley Lake Rd

Waterford, MI 48327

(248) 363-6262

Animal Related Summer Jobs For Kids: A Cure For Boredom

animal related summer job for kids

It probably comes as no surprise to most parents that teaching children the value of money from a young age is important. With a long summer stretching out before them (and because those video games and trendy clothes won’t pay for themselves!) many teens and tweens could benefit from the extra money and sense of responsibility that comes with a summer job.

In many communities, kids face stiff competition for summer jobs like babysitting, ice cream scooping, and lifeguarding. If your tween or teen is having difficulties finding employment this summer, perhaps he or she should consider animal related summer jobs.

Even if your child isn’t determined to become a veterinarian, wildlife scientist, or the next “Crocodile Hunter” when he or she grows up, most children have a natural love of animals.

Encouraging your child to seek out employment opportunities that involve animals this summer is the perfect way to combine his or her affinity for animals with the character building opportunities of an animal-related summer job.

5 Animal Related Summer Job Ideas

  • Pet sitting – People are always looking for an affordable and trustworthy caregiver for their pets while they are away on vacation. Pet sitting is a fantastic way for responsible kids to earn money. Just make sure the home is within walking or biking distance, or that you will be available to drive your kid over as needed.
  • Dog Walking – Many dog owners find it difficult to provide their dogs with enough exercise. That’s where your youngster comes in! Kids can offer dog walking services to neighbors and friends. Both kids and pups will benefit from the fresh air, exercise, and interaction with one another.
  • Dog washing – All pets get dirty, and that’s where your little entrepreneur can step right up. For a small fee, your child can offer dog-washing services in the comfort of his or her own driveway. All that’s needed is a hose, a bottle of dog shampoo, plenty of clean towels, and the willingness to get wet. Just make sure that your neighbor’s pet can’t run away.
  • Stable helper – Are you the proud parent of a horse-crazy kiddo? Many stables allow older kids to muck stalls and help in other ways in exchange for riding lessons or credit toward horse boarding.
  • Veterinary clinic – For teens with a true interest in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, part time work at a veterinary hospital or clinic is the perfect opportunity to see what this rewarding job is all about. There may be jobs available in the kennel, boarding or daycare areas of local pet businesses. You’ll never know what opportunities might be available if you don’t ask.

Helping Animals In Need

No, your kid won’t make any money volunteering with animals in need, but the emotional payoffs are arguably just as satisfying, if not more so. And volunteer work looks great on a resume and on veterinary school applications!

Many animal shelters are in need of volunteers to help feed, walk, clean, and play with the animals. Depending on the specific shelter’s regulations and your child’s age, he or she may be able to volunteer either with a parent’s help, or alone.

Whatever your child’s interest, there are plenty of animal-related summer jobs or volunteer opportunities to be had. We hope you will encourage your young pet lover’s entrepreneurial spirit and show them that they really can earn money doing something they love! To a good summer from Union Lake Pet Services staff who are long-time pet lovers who started out just like your kids!