6547 Cooley Lake Rd

Waterford, MI 48327

(248) 363-6262

No Bad Dogs: What to Do about Severe Dog Training Problems

dog training problems

You’ve had your new puppy for four months now, and no matter what you do, she continues to potty in the house. You have Googled every training website, checked out a million books from the library, and taken advice from your cousin… but to no avail.

So what is one to do when you’re frustrated by a severe pet training problem? For our piddling puppy, do you tear out all the carpet in the house? Take the puppy back to where you got her? Turn that sweet, loving dog into an outdoor only pet? None of these need to happen.

Sometimes owners just need extra help in getting past these stubborn dog training problems. Our experienced staff is here to help you handle your pet’s troublesome training issues.

Some Pets Have Medical Problems

Most dogs want to please their owners. It is quite rare to find an animal who is willingly or knowingly disobedient. So, if you have tried every trick in the book to get your dog to do something and it isn’t working, it is time to take a step back and ask why.

One of the first steps to take is to schedule an exam appointment for your dog. One of our veterinarians will take the time to thoroughly examine your pet for any evidence of a medical problem that may be contributing to the training issue.

For example, a puppy who is not housetraining properly may be suffering from:

  • A urinary tract infection
  • Intestinal parasites
  • A developmental abnormality
  • A kidney problem

Sometimes your pet’s medical issue needs to be addressed first before he or she is capable of doing what you would like him or her to do. Once we have eliminated medical issues, our training staff can guide you in the treatments that would work best for your dog.

Pet Training Problems Sometimes Stem from Anxiety

Severe pet training problems can also be related to anxiety. A great number of pets suffer from separation anxiety or other fears that can interfere with good behavior. Those animals who have anxiety are often destructive and may urinate, defecate, vocalize, chew, or dig. They may even try to escape and/or harm themselves.

When a behavior problem is rooted in anxiety or fear, sometimes even extensive training fails. Dogs that suffer from this type of issue often need the help of medications. Training in combination with anti-anxiety type prescriptions can greatly improve your chances of success.

Pet Training Problems Can Simply Benefit From Expert Obedience Training

Some pet parents need expert help with obedience training. We have an amazing staff of trainers who use positive reinforcement to provide effective and humane training to deal with many common, but stubborn behavioral problems. Positive reinforcement can train for good behavior and a happier dog without triggering additional anxiety and resistance.

If you have hit a wall with your pet’s training, let us help. Union Lake Veterinary Hospital has a great veterinary staff to help rule out medical and anxiety issues as well as knowledgeable and experienced trainers to help you with all of your pet’s training needs. We are happy to help put together an individual program for your problem pet that uses positive reinforcement methods to get results. Every dog can be a good dog!