
Comprehensive Wellness Exam For Your Pet


Pets age about seven times faster than people do, so it’s important that you bring your pet to a veterinarian for a comprehensive nose-to-tail exam every six months. These pet exams allows our veterinarians to detect and even prevent certain health conditions early—before they become problematic—so we can treat them as soon as possible. Depending on your pet’s age and lifestyle, we may also recommend a blood test, urine test, and fecal exam, each of which is detailed below:

Blood Test: Senior pets (age 7 and up), we recommend annual blood screenings to test for conditions like liver or kidney disease. We may recommend a blood test more often, depending on your pet’s lifestyle, current medications, or illnesses that your pet may have.

Urine Test: Urinalyses are generally advised every 6 months for senior pets and every 6-12 months for younger pets as needed, depending on your veterinarian’s recommendations. The results of a urine test can help our doctors evaluate how your pet’s organs—including the liver, kidney, bladder, and pancreas—are functioning.

Fecal Exam: The examination of a fecal sample allows us to test for internal parasites. This exam is especially for young pets because they are more at risk for contracting parasites. Fecal testing is recommended annually for all pets and more often for those that are at risk of greater exposure, such as pets that go camping, hiking, or roam on large amounts of property.

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