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Pet Dental

Pet Dental Care for Your Dog and Cat from Our Davison Veterinary Team

pet_dental_care_at_dunckelvet.jpgWe immediately take our pets to the veterinarian when there is a health issue, but how often do we stop to consider that just like people, pets need regular dental care as well? Unfortunately, one of the things that pet owners sometimes overlook with their pet wellness care is actually the importance of dental care for their dogs and cats.

Pet dental care is such a crucial part of puppy and kitten care and can even lead to serious health issues in the future if not addressed regularly by your veterinarian. Dogs and cats can have major health issues including lung, bladder, and kidney damage if their dental needs are neglected for too long. We do recommend annual cleanings for your dog or cat to help reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar. If this is left unchecked, this buildup is what leads to the serious infections and diseases that can be fatal to your pet.

Our caring and knowledgeable team of pet professionals at Dunckel Veterinary Hospital in Davison can explain all of the benefits of dental care for your pet and complete a thorough dental exam to make sure your pet is healthy and stays that way.

Pet Dental Care Tips for Puppy and Kitten Care

Dental care for your pet is important and begins at home as part of your regular puppy and kitten care and as part of pet senior care. Be sure to buy a pet toothbrush and toothpaste and brush your pet’s teeth at least once a week. Our Davison veterinarians can help you select the right dental care products for your pet, including meat-flavored toothpaste that your dog and cat will prefer over the mint-flavored paste.

Also, be sure to have bones and chew toys on hand to help keep your pet’s teeth clean. Bones, rawhides, and other such toys and treats help to promote clean and healthy teeth for your dog or cat. In addition to bones to help clean the teeth, our Davison veterinarian also suggests that you use special foods and treats to help keep the teeth, gums, and mouth healthy. Products that offer tartar control or food that offers a tartar control diet are good choices because they are made especially to help reduce the tartar on your dog or cat’s teeth.

Call us at Dunckel Veterinary Hospital in Davison today to schedule a dental exam with one of our veterinarians, so they can examine your pet's mouth, teeth, and gums and recommend a plan of action, which may include a professional cleaning if necessary. Our team is always available to discuss your pet’s dental issues with you and offer tips so your pet has optimal dental health. The health and well-being of your pet is our top priority and we want you to know we are here for you.


Call: 810-653-3988