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Pet Surgery

Routine and Emergency Pet Surgery in Davison

dog-cat-surgery-at-duncdelvetPet surgery is usually not something pet owners want to think about, but is often necessary for the health of an animal. Here at Dunckel Veterinary Hospital in Davison, we go out of our way to make the surgical experience as easy for the patient and his or her owner as possible. We employ a knowledgeable and compassionate veterinary staff who will treat your pet with the utmost care.

There are many reasons why a pet may need surgical treatment. Some types of surgery are routine, such as spay and neuter procedures. If your pet undergoes sterilization in our office, the procedure is usually quick, and your pet should be able to return to normal activities within days of the procedure. Occasionally, a pet will need emergency surgery or surgery to correct an underlying health condition.

We use in-office ultrasound to detect potential health problems that may benefit from surgical intervention. Ultrasound is an effective diagnostic tool for peering into a pet's abdominal area in a painless, non-invasive way. The ultrasound uses sound waves to examine the internal organs, giving our veterinarian a more in-depth view of the contents of the abdomen. Together with our in-office laboratory, x-rays, endoscopy, and otoscope services, we are able to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

Whether your pet needs to undergo a routine operation related to common health problems associated with old age, or if he or she has been injured by a passing car, we are prepared to offer care at our clinic six days a week. 

Pain Management for Pets Associated with Surgical Procedures

Your pet's comfort is of utmost importance to us, which is why we offer effective pain management services for use during and after each procedure. This includes anesthesia for pets to eliminate pain during surgery, as well as medications for at-home pain management in the days after a procedure. We may also prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce swelling and inflammation after surgery.

Our veterinarian prefers to remain ahead of the curve regarding the latest advancements in veterinary medicine. That is why our office is equipped with therapy lasers for faster healing. Lasers are increasingly popular for use in pet surgery, as they provide greater precision, smaller incisions and reduce bleeding during a procedure. Furthermore, therapy lasers are used to stimulate blood flow and reduce inflammation following surgery. They are also useful for pain relief if necessary.

If you live in or around the Davison, Michigan area and are in search of a veterinarian who can perform effective surgical procedures with state-of-the-art equipment, contact us for an appointment today. Our veterinarian and staff will make your pet's surgical experience as comfortable as possible.