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Final Blog for Poison Prevention Month

Here is Part 4 of Pet Poison Prevention Month!  We are ending this month's blog series with a couple of really great hand-outs for you to use. The first one takes you room-by-room through your home to help make sure you've got anything that might be toxic or poisonous for your pet out of reach or put away. Having a pet get into something poisonous can be a scary situation for sure! We've also got a hand-out for you that explains what to do if your pet ever does get into something.

See these informative handouts by clicking on the links below!

Poison Proofing Your Home

What To Do If You Think Your Pet Has Been Poisoned

We are here for you and your baby! If you ever have any questions about a possible poison or toxicity situation with your pet give us a call immediately at 317-291-3932.