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  • Pet Microchip: What It Is And Why It Is So Important
    Why are microchips so important anyways? And what the heck are they? Since Check The Chip Day is fast approaching, we thought this to be a timely blog.  What Is a Pet Microchip? A Read more
  • Pet Safety-Holiday Tips
    Avoid these 8 holiday hazards to keep your spirits bright and your pet's safe this holiday season! While unexpected illnesses and injuries can happen at any time during the year, the Read more
  • Chocolate: A Danger For Our Pets!
    Part 3 of Poison Prevention Awareness Month is here!  Keep this graphic in mind as Easter, and Easter basket candy especially, approaches. Here's a great graphic about Chocolate toxicity from the folks Read more
  • Never Assume These 5 Things Are Safe For Pets
    Part 2 of Poison Prevention Awareness Month: never make assumptions when it comes to your pet's health. Most of us have heard that chocolate is bad for dogs, but you might Read more