

How Is Your Bird Cage Set Up?

Is Your Pet Bird's Cage Set Up Optimally for Fun and Safety?

We treat all types of animals at Paws & Claws Pet Medical Center and our fine feathered friends never cease to amaze us with their beauty and wit. Here are tips for bird cage preparation that will help your bird have a happy healthy environment while they are caged. We treat many pets in the Troutdale area including exotics so visit our animal hospital soon; our veterinary staff would love to meet your pet.

Bird Cage Fun and Safety Tips from Your Troutdale Veterinarian

  • Safety measures first: This means that your bird's home needs to have safety measures then fun items can be added. The number one safety concern is often bar spacing. Your bird's head cannot fit through the bars because if their head can fit through then you will have one of two problems. One, the rest of their body may fit and they can get into trouble by escaping. Or two, they could get hung by only fitting their head through but not the rest of their body. ​
  • Only put pet approved items in the cage: Sure, there are many things around the house that your bird may love to chew and play with, but they can be toxic to sensitive birds so err on the side of safety and only put pet approved items for fun in their cage.
  • Privacy please: Your bird should have a small hut or nesting box that they can retreat to as needed. Even if they are not broody a bird needs their own little space to feel safe and surrounded in. Each bird is different so set them up according to their taste and size.

Contact us to Schedule Your Bird's Next Appointment 

Call us at Paws & Claws Pet Medical Center to schedule an appointment for your bird or other exotic pet. We serve Troutdale and the surrounding areas with quality veterinary care so come into our animal hospital for all of your pet care needs. We would love to see your awesome birdcage setups and get new ideas, so bring in a picture of your bird's home to share! Call today our veterinarian today at 503-661-1833.


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  • "I love this place! The people here are amazing! It isn't easy to find a vet for our bunny but these people are GREAT! Very thorough and willing to take the time to explain everything they are doing."
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