

FAQs: Pet Dental

Many pet owners are beginning to learn about dog dental and cat dental care and have a lot of questions. Our veterinarian in Troutdale, OR has answers. If you have questions not listed here, please call us at 503-661-1833!

Answering Your Cat Dental and Dog Dental Questions

Why is dog dental and cat dental care important?

Like humans, pets get the same buildup of bacteria-laden plaque on their teeth every day. This will turn into tartar if not removed promptly. Tartar hoards more bacteria that inflame and damage the gums, can cause tooth loss, and can actually go on to infect a pet’s internal organs with painful results.

How often does your veterinarian in Troutdale, OR recommend pet dental care?

Pets should have at least one annual dental checkup and cleaning with our veterinarian. And pet owners should brush their pets’ teeth very day. These two facets of dog dental and cat dental care will keep your pet healthier and happier longer.

Is anesthesia really necessary during a pet dental checkup?

Yes. Our veterinarian in Troutdale, OR uses the same stringent anesthesia protocols for pet dental appointments as we do for surgery. The reason is that even the best-behaved pets cannot lie still for these appointments. With the sharp dental tools we use to remove tartar, pets can get injured if they do not lie absolutely still.

Does my pet need antibiotics for a pet dental appointment?

Not usually. Our veterinarian in Troutdale, OR only gives these to pets that have health conditions causing weak immune systems, but most healthy pets do not need antibiotics before a dental appointment.

My dog has fractured his tooth, but is not showing any signs of pain; do we need to have it fixed?

The pain will come later if the tooth is not treated because bacteria will swarm through the crack and invade the root system, leading to the jawbone. This will be very painful and can result in further infection and tooth loss. Quick treatment will help your pet avoid the pain and reduce the expense of treating more severe problems later.

Does my pet really need to have a tooth extracted?

When a tooth is so severely infected that surrounding tissues are threatened, our veterinarian in Troutdale, OR may have to remove that tooth to save other teeth, gums and tissues. We always try for the least invasive and drastic treatments whenever possible, but the bottom line is always your pet’s long-term health and well-being.

Can my pet eat crunchy kibble or treats after a cat dental or dog dental extraction?

Eventually, yes. Pets usually need about 2 weeks of a soft-food diet so that the tissues can fully heal first, but after that, they should be able to enjoy their regular diet again because they will be in far less pain once the infected tooth has been removed.

Please contact us with any lingering questions: 503-661-1833.


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  • "I love this place! The people here are amazing! It isn't easy to find a vet for our bunny but these people are GREAT! Very thorough and willing to take the time to explain everything they are doing."
    - Keorb Z. (from