

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Paws & Claws Medical Center

Cat and dog playing in the grass near Paws & Claws Medical CenterPaws & Claws Medical Center, your Gresham & Troutdale veterinarian, wants to wish you and your pet a Happy New Year!  Many people make New Year's resolutions, but have you ever thought about making some with your pet in mind? As animal lovers ourselves, we're dedicated to making sure your pet lives the happiest and healthiest life. Here are some great resolutions to help you and your pet along the way.

Veterinarian Serving Gresham Suggests New Year's Pet Resolutions

  • Eat healthier. Not just you, but your pet, too. Ask your vet if your pet needs a special diet to control obesity, or to improve its fur and claw condition. If your pet needs to lose weight, putting it on a healthier diet and skipping out on the human food treats can be the best thing you can do for its health.
  • Play together every day. You can take your dog for a walk or a romp in the park most days, but even in the worst of rainstorms you can play fetch down the hallway or start a game of tug-of-war with a knotted sock during television commercials. Your pet needs attention to keep it happy. Let it know you care be spending time with it every day.
  • Keep up the grooming. A monthly bath in the tub just won't cut it. Your pet needs professional care when it comes to fur, skin, and claws. Grooming is a great health addition to your pet, as well, since many health problems are first diagnosed during grooming sessions.
  • Keep vaccinations up to date. Check with your vet to find out when your pet needs its core and non-core vaccines, and make sure you get them on time.
  • Find a new hiking trail each month. Dog-friendly trails exist nationwide, and some new scenery will do you some good as well as your dog.

Contact Our Troutdale Veterinarian Today

If you want advice from our veterinarian, contact us today to set resolutions for your pet! We look forward to seeing you in the new year!

When it comes to taking care of your family dog or cat, what New Year's resolutions are you going to make?


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  • "I love this place! The people here are amazing! It isn't easy to find a vet for our bunny but these people are GREAT! Very thorough and willing to take the time to explain everything they are doing."
    - Keorb Z. (from