

Pet Dental Care Prevents Health Problems

Troutdale Veterinarian Provides Tips for Home Pet Dental Care

The American Veterinary Dental Society statistics show that about 85% of adult cats and dogs struggle with periodontal disease. Did you also know that dental problems in pets can lead to problems in the heart, liver and kidneys? Bad breath is actually an advanced sign that your pet may have dental problems. Call our veterinarian for experienced Troutdale pet dental care, and look at the five tips below for ways you can provide good dental hygiene for your pet at home.

Five Ways to Make Your Pet Smile

1. Brush Your Pet's Teeth. If you have never done this before, come in to our veterinary hospital for a tutorial. It may take your pet a few days to get used to the idea, but the long-term Troutdale animal hospital provides home pet dental tipshealth benefits are worth the effort. Overall, make sure to use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for pets. Human toothpaste can sicken your pet, but pet toothpaste comes in flavors your pet will enjoy.

2. Watch What They Eat. Opt for dry pet food over wet, and avoid offering table scraps, as these can get lodged in between your pet's teeth. There are also many pet treats on the market that are formulated to help with teeth cleaning. Choose one your pet likes and dole them out a couple of times a day for good behavior.

3. Provide Healthy Toys. Many toys are available on the market today that improve pet dental health. Look for these toys in your local pet store or ask our staff for some recommendations.

4. Try a Water Additive. Some pets may benefit from a drinking water additive that neutralizes harmful bacteria in the mouth to reduce tooth decay. Please ask us about these first, and make sure to follow the dosage instructions carefully. Also be sure to give your pet fresh, clean water every day.

5. Come in for a Dental Exam. Regular dental checkups should be an integral part of every pet's wellness program. We use high-tech ultrasonic cleaning techniques to remove plaque buildup, and then polish your pets teeth to give bacteria less of a chance to take hold in the future.

Do you have any other dental hygiene tips for fellow pet lovers?


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