

Is Your Home Safe for Pets?

Watch Out for These 5 Common Pet Hazards

It is every pet owner's worst nightmare: a trip to the emergency vet for urgent care. Unfortunately, many everyday products are actually common pet hazards. When ingested or eaten, some of these hazards can even require emergency cat and dog surgery to prevent fatal complications.

Veterinarian Warns Pet Owners About Common Household Dangers

From the kitchen to the bathroom, Gresham and Troutdale pet owners should watch out for these five common dangers:

1. Chocolate and sugar-free candies. Chocolate is no sweet treat for dogs! While many pet owners realize that chocolate can be harmful, young children often do not realize just how dangerous it is to leave out chocolate candy. Sugar-free candies that contain xylitol are also Troutdale veterinarian advises on pet proofing the housepoisonous. Always keep any chocolate products, including cocoa powder, secured in the pantry and out of reach from your curious dog. Talk to your children about the dangerous of chocolate poisoning, and remind them not to hide candies in their room.

2. Electrical wires. Playful puppies love to chew their way through just about everything, including electrical cords. Avoid electrocution from dangling wires by using cord covers.

3. Prescription medications. Even over-the-counter drugs like Advil or your daily vitamin can be fatal if ingested. Keep medication sealed in its container and secured inside a medicine cabinet or drawer. Never leave pill bottles on the counter-it is too tempting for dogs to reach up and grab them as a chew toy.

4. Toothpaste. Many of us leave our toothpaste and toothbrush out on the bathroom counter. Unfortunately, doing so is a risky move-toothpaste can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and cats. Bath soaps and sunscreen are also harmful if ingested. Keep your bathroom counters clear and unless there's a reason that your pet needs access to the bathroom, keep the door closed at all times.

5. Antifreeze. Here in Oregon, many of us have a bottle or two of antifreeze in the family garage. Antifreeze may taste sweet to pets, but the ingredient ethylene glycol is poisonous. Also watch out for any antifreeze leaks from your car onto the garage floor.

Our Gresham and Troutdale veterinarian is committed to keep your pet safe and healthy for life. If you suspect that your pet has ingested something poisonous, call our veterinary hospital immediately. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, foamy salivation, difficulty breathing and paralysis.

What steps do you take to pet proof your home?


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  • "I love this place! The people here are amazing! It isn't easy to find a vet for our bunny but these people are GREAT! Very thorough and willing to take the time to explain everything they are doing."
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