The Signs of Arthritis in Pets

Arthritis in pets is incredibly common. Although commonly associated with older pets, it can strike pets of all ages. According to the Arthritis Foundation, one in every five dogs will get arthritis. Ninety percent of cats get arthritis by the age of ten years old. Our veterinarians at Power Road Animal Hospital in Mesa would like to take a look at the signs of pet arthritis.


Pets with arthritis have great difficulty getting around. It may seem as if one or more legs are frozen, making your pet move awkwardly or much more slowly. It may lurch when getting up instead of smoothly launching to his or her feet.


Pets will be visibly lame in one or more legs. This lameness may come and go. Since there are many causes of lameness, any pet that goes lame needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

Falling or Stumbling

Cats that used to jump easily onto windowsills may miss. Athletic dogs may start stumbling and falling when doing ordinary actions like going up and down stairs.

Reluctance to Walk Across Smooth Floors

Even if your pet has walked across that same floor for years, suddenly he or she will be anxious about stepping one paw on it. This is because pet arthritis makes your pet lose confidence in his or her ability to stay upright. Since your pet has less balance than usual, it will want to avoid falls. Smooth floors are slippery. Provide a non-skid mat or at least a towel so your pet’s footing is more secure.

Bathroom Accidents

Cats that have been using the litter box successfully for years may suddenly have accidents. Dogs that never had a house training accident may start soiling in the home. This is because pain and stiffness make it difficult for a pet to get to the right place in time to do its business. However, this can also be a sign of an illness, so bring your pet in for a visit with one of our veterinarians to make sure it is arthritis and not something else like diabetes.

Get Help for Your Pet’s Arthritis in Mesa, AZ

If you live in or around Mesa and are concerned about recent changes in your pet’s behavior, our veterinarians at Power Road Animal Hospital are here to help. Call our team today at (480) 641-4141 to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians.


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