Common Causes for Seizures in Pets

If you have ever witnessed your pet having a seizure, you know how frightening it can be. Your pet may suddenly exhibit jerking and twitching movements, which may be accompanied by drooling and lost consciousness. Our veterinarians and professional staff at Power Road Animal Hospital in Mesa are dedicated to providing the care your pet needs to prevent serious issues like seizures from negatively impacting its health. We also help pet owners understand what causes seizures to know when their animals need medical care. Here are some of the common causes of pet seizures.

Heat Exhaustion

A pet that is too hot may suffer from heat exhaustion, which can cause a seizure. If it is hot outside and your pet has not been drinking water or spending time in the shade, seizures are more likely to occur.


A pet who eats chocolate, caffeine, or toxic plants, may suffer from a seizure soon after eating the poisonous substance. If you notice that your pet has eaten something toxic, it is important that you seek veterinary care immediately. Our vets will be able to help if you act quickly.


A pet with low blood sugar levels may experience a seizure. Even if your pet has not been diagnosed with diabetes, you should report any symptoms associated with the condition to our veterinarians.

Nutritional Imbalance

Sometimes nutritional deficiencies are to blame for seizures. For example, thiamine is especially responsible for dangerous seizures. Our veterinarians can perform tests that help determine if your pet is experiencing a nutritional deficiency.

Visit Our Animal Hospital for Pet Care from Our Mesa Vets

After a seizure, veterinary care is critical. Contact our team at Power Road Animal Hospital to schedule an appointment for your animal. Our veterinarians understand pet seizures and other symptoms that come with them. If you live in Mesa, AZ, our animal clinic can help. Call our clinic to learn more about pet seizures and how we can treat your animal.


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