How to Detect Cat Anxiety

Cat Anxiety

Just like humans, cats can develop anxiety, ranging from mild fear to full-blown phobias. That's why it's essential to pay attention to signs that indicate that your cat is anxious to know when it's time to bring him or her to our animal hospital for help. At Power Road Animal Hospital of Mesa, AZ, we have prepared a list of signs that indicate your cat is anxious.

Signs of Cat Anxiety

  • Trembling: Generally, cats don't like trembling. So, if you notice signs of trembling in your kitty, try to create a relaxing environment for him or her.
  • Failing to use the litter box: If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box and starts urinating in other places, she is trying to communicate. After ruling out medical conditions, trying different litters, or adding an extra litter box, it's time to explore whether or not your cat is anxious.
  • Following you everywhere: If all of a sudden your kitty follows you everywhere you go, it could be a sign of anxiety.
  • Hiding: Some cats are less social than others, but it becomes a problem when your cat hides to the point where it's excessive. Often this sign doesn't go on for long, but if your kitty doesn't change this behavior, it's time to take them to our animal clinic.
  • Sudden aggressiveness: If your cat becomes aggressive for no apparent reason, it could be a way of coping with anxiety.
  • Cat doesn't stop grooming: If your cat spends much of the day cleaning themselves, it's a sign of anxiety that our veterinarians should address.
  • Changing eating habits: If your cat suddenly loses its appetite, it could be anxious. However, before concluding its anxiety, bring your cat to our veterinarians to rule out medical conditions.

Visit Our Animal Hospital for Cat Anxiety Treatment from Our Vets 

Need to learn more about cat anxiety? Book an appointment with Power Road Animal Hospital. As your preferred animal hospital in Mesa, AZ, we provide numerous pet care services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you and your cat.


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