How Does COVID-19 Affect Your Pets?

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How Does COVID-19 Affect Your Pets?

Many clients have been concerned about the well-being of their pets amidst the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus that has recently escalated to pandemic levels across the world. While each of us have become hyper aware of every sniff, cough or sneeze (emanating from our own bodies, as well as those around us), we can’t help but worry about the potential effects of the virus on our furry family members. The concern is entirely valid, seeing as we are unclear about the virus’ true origin. Although experts have yet to pinpoint the definitive source of COVID-19, there has been speculation that the virus stemmed from direct contact between an infected animal and human. This leaves a lot of owners wondering how their pets factor into the equation, and what effects (if any) this outbreak will have on their beloved animals.

The BC Centre for Disease Control, among other reputable sources, states that “there is currently no evidence that domestic animals, including dogs and cats, can become sick with this new Coronavirus” at this time. (Web:

Regardless of this reassuring news, we are in fairly uncharted waters and learning more information on a day-by-day basis. We are in the same position as all of our clients – keeping abreast of all updates and research studies as they arise. In the meantime, we encourage all pet owners to be more vigilant in their cleanliness practices. Please wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before and after handling your pet, their food, waste and any supplies pertaining to their care. Increased hygiene will prevent cross-contamination of any germs, whether in situations of pandemic or otherwise.

We also encourage all pet owners to self-monitor any changes in their health, as well as any changes in their pet’s health or behaviours. Please take your pet for regular visits to their veterinarian, and bring to the vet’s attention any areas of concern.

In the meantime, many of us are engaging in social distancing or even quarantining practices in the short-term. During this period, it is important to care for your pet’s physical and emotional well-being, as well as your own. If you are working/ studying from home, you will want to keep your pet on a regular feeding/ walking/ play schedule. Even though stress levels are high, take breaks throughout the day to give your furry friend time and attention. This is as much for your benefit as it is theirs.

If you’re limiting contact with others, continue taking your canine companion on regular walks as you normally would. Keep distance from others and try to keep a one meter space from other pedestrians, passersby and dog walkers in the area. If you are in full blown quarantine mode, then you can enlist the services of a dog walking agency (such as Rover), or a neighbour, family member or friend who is nearby. When passing your pup off to others, be mindful to safely disinfect surfaces that come in contact with others, such as leash handles, waste bag dispensers or clothing. Be sure that your disinfectant is safe for your pet, as well.

If you have any further questions about your pet’s care during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cypress Vets and we would be happy to help!

How Does COVID-19 Affect Your Pets?

Many clients have been concerned about the well-being of their pets amidst the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus that has recently escalated to pandemic levels across the world. While each of us have become hyper aware of every sniff, cough or sneeze (emanating from our own bodies, as well as those around us), we can’t help but worry about the potential effects of the virus on our furry family members. The concern is entirely valid, seeing as we are unclear about the virus’ true origin. Although experts have yet to pinpoint the definitive source of COVID-19, there has been speculation that the virus stemmed from direct contact between an infected animal and human. This leaves a lot of owners wondering how their pets factor into the equation, and what effects (if any) this outbreak will have on their beloved animals.

The BC Centre for Disease Control, among other reputable sources, states that “there is currently no evidence that domestic animals, including dogs and cats, can become sick with this new Coronavirus” at this time. (Web:

Regardless of this reassuring news, we are in fairly uncharted waters and learning more information on a day-by-day basis. We are in the same position as all of our clients – keeping abreast of all updates and research studies as they arise. In the meantime, we encourage all pet owners to be more vigilant in their cleanliness practices. Please wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap before and after handling your pet, their food, waste and any supplies pertaining to their care. Increased hygiene will prevent cross-contamination of any germs, whether in situations of pandemic or otherwise.

We also encourage all pet owners to self-monitor any changes in their health, as well as any changes in their pet’s health or behaviours. Please take your pet for regular visits to their veterinarian, and bring to the vet’s attention any areas of concern.

In the meantime, many of us are engaging in social distancing or even quarantining practices in the short-term. During this period, it is important to care for your pet’s physical and emotional well-being, as well as your own. If you are working/ studying from home, you will want to keep your pet on a regular feeding/ walking/ play schedule. Even though stress levels are high, take breaks throughout the day to give your furry friend time and attention. This is as much for your benefit as it is theirs.

If you’re limiting contact with others, continue taking your canine companion on regular walks as you normally would. Keep distance from others and try to keep a one meter space from other pedestrians, passersby and dog walkers in the area. If you are in full blown quarantine mode, then you can enlist the services of a dog walking agency (such as Rover), or a neighbour, family member or friend who is nearby. When passing your pup off to others, be mindful to safely disinfect surfaces that come in contact with others, such as leash handles, waste bag dispensers or clothing. Be sure that your disinfectant is safe for your pet, as well.

If you have any further questions about your pet’s care during this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Cypress Vets and we would be happy to help!

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