Pet Surgical Services


When your pet requires any type of surgical treatment we know you want your pet to be in the most capable hands possible. That is why Cypress Vet goes above and beyond when it comes to providing your pet with the very best service possible. Whether your pet requires something major or something on the minor side of things, we always address the situation in a professional and caring manner. We know how much your pet means to you and your family and because of that we will always provide your pet with quality treatment.

Surgical Services Offered in the Vancouver Area

We pride ourselves on the fact that we are highly trained and highly experienced in a variety of surgical services for your pet. By specializing in these areas you know that your pet is in the most capable hands possible.

Orthopedic Surgery for Your Pet
If your pet has fractured a bone or experienced some other type of trauma your pet may require orthopedic surgery. This requires specialized training and a great deal of experience, which Cypress Vet proudly offers to each of their patients.

Soft Tissue Surgery for Your Pet
There are certain injuries that your pet may experience that may require a soft tissue surgical procedure. With this type of surgical service we use careful evaluation and, whenever possible, minimally invasive procedures to promote healing as quickly as possible.

Ear Surgery for Your Pet
There are a variety of reasons why your pet may require ear surgery. But one fact remains, regardless of the medical issue your pet is facing ear issues can be incredibly painful for your pet and your pet’s ability to hear can directly affect their quality of life. That is why we do everything we can to ensure your pet’s ears are as healthy as possible. Our highly trained staff will provide your pet with the best ear surgery possible.

Eye Surgery for Your Pet
Eye surgery for your pet is not necessarily the most invasive treatment but it is still very serious and requires a great deal of experience and training. Cypress Vet offers both of these qualities to all of the pets we treat. We will carefully plan the both the procedure as well as the post-operative care. Some of the more common reasons your pet may require eye surgery include cataracts, glaucoma, and melanomas. Regardless of the reason why your pet requires eye surgery they will get the best service possible in the Vancouver area at Cypress Vet.

Oral Surgery and Dental Surgery for Your Pet
It is very important to care for your pets oral and dental needs and sometimes that will mean that oral surgery or dental surgery is required. Oral and dental issues can be extremely painful and definitely affect your pet’s quality of living. That is why Cypress Vet does everything possible to relieve any pain and suffering your pet may experience by providing oral relief through surgery when necessary.

Blood Transfusion for Your Pet
There are a number of reasons why your pet may require a blood transfusion, including injuries and other medical conditions. As a pet owner this can be a very scary situation as these are very serious issues. But at Cypress Vet you can rest assured that your pet is in very capable and caring hands. We rely on our years of training and experience to treat your pet in the best way possible.

Endoscopy for Your Pet
Endoscopy combines the latest in veterinary technology with the highly skilled and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. These procedures are typically minimally invasive. They also often take less time that other traditional procedures. This encourages an optimal healing period for your pet. If your pet requires endoscopy, you can be assured that Cypress Vet will provide you the best possible service in the Vancouver/ Kitsilano area.

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