Veterinary Dentistry Vancouver

We recommend you begin brushing your pet’s teeth between 8-12 weeks of age. Avoid human toothpastes, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, as they are harmful and easily swallowed. Our team can suggest an oral home care regime that fits your schedule, protecting your pet against tooth decay and tooth loss.

Bringing your pet in for cleaning is a great way to guard their oral health. Our ultrasonic scaling, polishing and fluoride treatments all aid to uncover dental problems and protect your pet’s well being.

Oral issues are easily overlooked. Problems such as gum abnormalities, plague and tartar buildup, periodontal disease and oral tumors, can be missed without regular examinations and cleanings.

For pets between 1-3 years of age, annual cleaning exams are recommended. Older pets may need to come in every 6 months, as advanced dental disease is more prevalent in older animals.

Preserve your pet’s oral health today. Drop by our pet clinic, give us a call or email us through our contact form to schedule your appointment.

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