5 Top Tips For Summer Safety For Your Pets

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5 Top Tips For Summer Safety For Your Pets

Although it’s nearing the end of Summertime, the warm weather is still set to continue for the next foreseeable future. For pet owners, the humidity and great outdoors can bring about some unexpected dangers. While you’re enjoying the season with your pet, keep in mind your pet may not have the same experience. We’ve listed here some of the more common dangers associated with pets.



Is it too hot for you then it’s definitely too hot for your pet. Humidity affects dogs and cats differently than humans. With dogs, they aren’t able to pant as effectively, which can lead to heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Signs of heatstroke include an increased heart rate, heavy breathing, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

When heat rises, decrease your dog’s activity and limit his or her time outside. If your dog spends time in the yard, make sure he has access to plenty of shade and fresh water. Even if the weather is reasonably cool, it’s never safe to leave your dog in a parked car. Even with the windows cracked on a 20-degree day, the temperature can reach 30 degrees or more in less than a half-hour.



Nobody likes insects like mosquitoes. While you may not think about it, these notorious pests are particularly dangerous to dogs and cats, who can contract heartworm from the bite of an infected insect. What’s more, mosquito-related diseases are on the rise in North America, with some scientists blaming a warming climate for an increase in the bloodsuckers.

Heartworm disease can also be fatal in both dogs and cats. It is a serious disease that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, other organ damage, and death in dogs and cats.

To keep your pets safe, use preventative measures such as medication and shampoo that protect against these pests. Always consult with your veterinarian before using these preventative tools to make sure the dosage is correct.


Fertilizers & Pesticides

The chemicals that make your garden look great can also make your pets sick. Many weed killers, fertilizers, and pest-control products can be toxic. Be very careful before spraying your yard with weed-killer or any type of pesticide; do not let your pet near it. If you suspect your pet has ingested a fertilizer or pesticide, get your pet to the emergency immediately.



If your pets spend time in your garden, do a check to ensure that you’re not growing any potentially dangerous plants. Plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and tulips can cause gastrointestinal distress, says Bazzle, while lilies, sago palm, and foxglove can be acutely poisonous.

Cannabis plants frequently send pets to the emergency. For the most part, cannabis affects dogs the same way it affects humans—they’re sleepy, lethargic and hypersensitive. Although rarely dangerous, cannabis intoxication is distressing for pets, and veterinarians can suggest treatments to reduce the side effects.



You’re not the only one suffering from seasonal allergies. Just like humans, dogs and cats can be affected by pollens and different types of mold. While airborne allergens tend to cause respiratory problems in humans, most dogs will present with itchy skin. Check your pet’s undercoat every so often to ensure they don’t have irritated skin. Your vet may prescribe antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots to treat the symptoms. To help keep your pet healthy and allergy-free you should keep your home clean and dust-free as possible.

5 Top Tips For Summer Safety For Your Pets

Although it’s nearing the end of Summertime, the warm weather is still set to continue for the next foreseeable future. For pet owners, the humidity and great outdoors can bring about some unexpected dangers. While you’re enjoying the season with your pet, keep in mind your pet may not have the same experience. We’ve listed here some of the more common dangers associated with pets.



Is it too hot for you then it’s definitely too hot for your pet. Humidity affects dogs and cats differently than humans. With dogs, they aren’t able to pant as effectively, which can lead to heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Signs of heatstroke include an increased heart rate, heavy breathing, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

When heat rises, decrease your dog’s activity and limit his or her time outside. If your dog spends time in the yard, make sure he has access to plenty of shade and fresh water. Even if the weather is reasonably cool, it’s never safe to leave your dog in a parked car. Even with the windows cracked on a 20-degree day, the temperature can reach 30 degrees or more in less than a half-hour.



Nobody likes insects like mosquitoes. While you may not think about it, these notorious pests are particularly dangerous to dogs and cats, who can contract heartworm from the bite of an infected insect. What’s more, mosquito-related diseases are on the rise in North America, with some scientists blaming a warming climate for an increase in the bloodsuckers.

Heartworm disease can also be fatal in both dogs and cats. It is a serious disease that results in severe lung disease, heart failure, other organ damage, and death in dogs and cats.

To keep your pets safe, use preventative measures such as medication and shampoo that protect against these pests. Always consult with your veterinarian before using these preventative tools to make sure the dosage is correct.


Fertilizers & Pesticides

The chemicals that make your garden look great can also make your pets sick. Many weed killers, fertilizers, and pest-control products can be toxic. Be very careful before spraying your yard with weed-killer or any type of pesticide; do not let your pet near it. If you suspect your pet has ingested a fertilizer or pesticide, get your pet to the emergency immediately.



If your pets spend time in your garden, do a check to ensure that you’re not growing any potentially dangerous plants. Plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons, and tulips can cause gastrointestinal distress, says Bazzle, while lilies, sago palm, and foxglove can be acutely poisonous.

Cannabis plants frequently send pets to the emergency. For the most part, cannabis affects dogs the same way it affects humans—they’re sleepy, lethargic and hypersensitive. Although rarely dangerous, cannabis intoxication is distressing for pets, and veterinarians can suggest treatments to reduce the side effects.



You’re not the only one suffering from seasonal allergies. Just like humans, dogs and cats can be affected by pollens and different types of mold. While airborne allergens tend to cause respiratory problems in humans, most dogs will present with itchy skin. Check your pet’s undercoat every so often to ensure they don’t have irritated skin. Your vet may prescribe antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots to treat the symptoms. To help keep your pet healthy and allergy-free you should keep your home clean and dust-free as possible.

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