Retrobulbar Abscess from Carnassial Tooth Abscess In Dogs

Retrobulbar Abscess from Carnassial Tooth Abscess In Dogs

by Dr. Munir Kureshi, Cupertino Animal Hospital

Did you know that tooth decay can lead to an eye abscess known as a retrobulbar abscess?

We want to take this opportunity to educate our clients about this important health issue and why routine pet dental care is crucial to preventing this type of abscess and other serious pet health problems.

The 4th Upper Pre-Molar

The largest tooth in a dog's mouth is 4th upper pre-molar (also known as the Carnassial tooth).
This tooth has three roots and one of these roots sits right under the eye. The groove in the middle and the tip of this tooth accumulates food particles very easily. Over time, food particles in the groove start the tooth decay process. This decay then causes an infection in the pulp of the root, which sits under the eye, and leads to an abscess.

Decay of 4th Upper Pre-Molar Leads to Retrobulbar Abscess.

This type of abscess is known as "retrobulbar abscess" leading pet owners to think there is something wrong with their pets eye, when in reality the abscess is caused by the decay on the tooth.

These photos illustrate the before and after repair of this dogs tooth decay.


After the removal of the tooth decay, we used light-cure composite to fill in the gap making the tooth look more natural.

This is one of many reasons why routine dental care is so important to prevent this and other serious health issues. We can help answer any questions you may have and create an oral hygiene program for your pet.

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