Pet Dental Care

Veterinarian and Pet Owner brushing dogs teeth

Pet Dental Care From Our Streamwood Veterinarian

Dental disease is a common health problem in dogs and cats, which can lead to many other health issues.  Bad breath is one of the first indicators that your pet may need dental care.  Your dog’s breath and kitty’s kisses may not always smell sweet but they shouldn’t make you flee from the room!   A foul odor in your pet’s mouth may indicate dental disease.  Excessive drooling and lumps in your dog’s mouth are not normal either.  Your pet’s gums should be pink, not shades of red, white, yellow or blue.  The teeth should be white and clean and should not be broken or cracked.   Taking time to look in your pet’s mouth occasionally and making regular appointments for dental care with the doctors at Sutton road Animal Hospital will help your pet lead a longer and healthier life.    

What Causes Dental Disease?

A thin film of protein from saliva, food particles, and dead cells forms on your pet’s teeth and gums.   If this layer is allowed to thicken, it becomes a perfect environment for bacteria.  Bacterial plaque buildup along the gum line can lead to gingivitis, and infection.   Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, which is an inflammation of the deeper tissue surrounding the teeth.  In severe cases, periodontitis can be associated with the spread of infection to other parts of the body, including the heart and kidneys.

What Our Veterinarians Can Do To Prevent Dental Disease

The veterinarians at Sutton Road Animal Hospital will examine your pet’s mouth and teeth during regular Wellness Exams.   The vet will look for problems such as plaque, calculus, gingivitis, broken or missing teeth, discolored teeth, masses, or obvious periodontal disease.   If any of these conditions are found, they may recommend a thorough dental cleaning and other specific treatments such as tooth extraction or special therapy for advanced gum disease.    Pets should be examined yearly for dental conditions, and for many pets the recommendation can be for more frequent examinations and regular cleanings.

What You Can Do To Improve Your Pet’s Dental Health

Brushing your pet’s teeth can go a long way toward preventing dental disease.   Some pets may resist brushing at first, but most eventually accept it, especially if you start a brushing routine when your pet is young.   Aim at brushing your pet’s teeth once a day or at least twice a week.    Choose a pet toothpaste that your pet likes, and start with putting a small amount on your finger to offer as a treat.  You can then start simulating the tooth brushing motion with just your finger, eventually moving on to a finger brush and ultimately a soft-bristled pet toothbrush.  

Other Ways to Prevent Dental Disease

Toys, treats, chews, gels, sprays, rinses and specially formulated foods are available to help keep your pet’s teeth clean, but they should be used in addition to regular brushing and veterinary care.   If your pet is having difficulty accepting home care, contact the veterinarians at Sutton Road Animal Hospital so we can work together to find an agreeable solution.

Contact Sutton Road Animal Hospital In Streamwood, IL

Remember, by taking care of your pet’s teeth and gums, you are helping care for its overall health. Call us to schedule a consult, exam, or dental cleaning.   We can be reached at (847) 742-8298!

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Office Hours

10 Southwicke Drive Streamwood, Illinois 60107

Sutton Road Animal Hospital


8:00 am-8:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-8:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm

