Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center

1751 E. Exchange Street

Crete, IL 60417 US

(708) 672-7269

Pet Vet Express

728 Joliet Street

Dyer, IN 46311 US

(219) 881-8812

New Patient Center

Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center: New Patient Center

Responsible pet ownership requires work. To keep your pet happy and healthy, it’s important to provide regular wellness visits from your veterinarian. Our new patient center can help ensure your furry friend is healthy and cared for. We provide comprehensive care for animals of all types and ages and can ensure your pet gets the treatment he or she deserves. For more information on regular exams and vaccinations, contact your veterinarians at the Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center in Crete and Dyer.

cat at vet's office

What to Expect?

During your first appointment, one of our veterinarians will provide a complete physical examination of your pet, including obtaining the current weight and obtaining all vitals. We will discuss your animal’s health history and answer any questions you have about feeding, medical issues, medications and future care, including microchipping and neutering or spaying.

For tests and other treatments, your pet may go with the veterinarian team to the treatment area while you wait. Once tests have been administered, further information will be given about follow-up or future exams.

Online Forms

To save time and to reduce stress before your first visit, download the PDF files on our website for all necessary forms and fill them out in advance. New patients need the new patient registration form and the new patient health history form. Other online forms include a boarding information packet, which includes a medical release consent form and the pet surgery forms if your pet requires any type of surgery.

Payment Options

Payment is expected at the time services are rendered. We accept most major credit cards and debit cards, as well as cash and checks. For unexpected illnesses, you may choose to apply for care credit, which is a medical credit card. We also offer a wellness card with a revolving credit account, or we accept many pet insurance plans.


Occasionally we provide special discounts or sales on medications and other services. Check online at our website or contact one of our caring staff members to learn of any upcoming deals or current promotions.

Contact Our Veterinarian Team at Any Location

If you are considering the Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center to care for and treat your furry friend, contact our new patient center for more information on an initial appointment in Crete, or walk-in to our Pet Vet Express location in Dyer. Regardless of the age or condition of your pet, we always try to provide excellent care. Contact us at (708) 672-7269 for more information on what you will need on your first visit.

Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center

1751 E Exchange St,
Crete, IL 60417
(708) 672-7269

Please call our main telephone number (708-672-7269) for instructions for after-hour emergencies.

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center


8:00 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm





Pet Vet Express

728 Joliet St,
Dyer, IN 46311
(219) 881-8812

We offer a limited number of services at Pet Vet, our outpatient, walk-in animal clinic in Dyer, IN. Pet Vet provides treatment for minor health problems of dogs and cats that do not require the services of a large hospital or the use of advanced diagnostic equipment. No appointment is necessary.

Office Hours

Current 2022 Schedule

Pet Vet Express















Care Credit - AAHA