Dental Cleaning/Assessment

For most of us, caring for our teeth and gums has been part of our daily routine for as long as we can remember.  Just like you, your pet needs dental care, too- regular, professional care can be provided for by our veterinarians at Ames Pet Hospital, and effective daily home care from you to keep your pet's mouth healthy.

Dental health is the precursor to overall health and it helps ensure unwanted bacteria and fungi do not enter into the body and spread to the vital organs. 

Causes of Periodontal Disease:

Plaque is a colorless film that contains large amounts of bacteria. If left unchecked, plaque builds up, creating infection, destroying gums and resulting in the loss of the tissues and bone that support the teeth.

Signs of Periodontal Disease:

All pets are at risk for developing dental problems.  Once your pet displays any of the warning signs below, serious periodontal disease may be present.

  • Bad breath
  • Yellow-brown material on teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Change of chewing or eating habits
  • Tooth loss
  • Change in behavior
  • Abnormal drooling

Steps to Better Oral Care:

1. Every yearly examination by our veterinarians at Ames Pet Hospital includes a thorough dental exam.  If we find signs of disease, we will recommend a treatment plan.  It is important for the overall health of your pet that we take care of any dental problems we find.  We will also recommend a home care plan that is a key part of keeping your pet healthy.

2. Plaque should be removed from your pet's teeth every day before it mineralizes into tartar.  Brushing your pet's teeth or feeding a dental food such as Hills t/d or Royal Canin's Oral Care each day will control plaque buildup. 

3. Dentistry work as recommended by our veterinarians at Ames Pet Hospital.  This can include scaling, cleaning below the gum line, polishing, dental radiographs, and extractions (if necessary).   Our dental procedures are done while under a general anesthesia because our patients do not understand what is going on and will not "open up, and say ahhhh!"  Modern anesthesia is much safer than even just a decade ago, as newer anesthetics are quickly removed from the body, and our monitoring of pets under anesthesia is very similar to what you would find in a human hospital (EKG, blood oxygenation levels, in addition to the standard pulse, respiration, and temperature).

Mina receiving dental radiographs during her dental


Call us today to discuss more about your pet's dental health issues!

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Ames Office


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm



AAHA-accredited hospitals adhere to rigorous standards to ensure that your pet receives the highest quality care available


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