
Tips for Traveling Safely with Your Pets

Tips for Traveling with Your Pets from our Winston-Salem Veterinarian

Summertime offers a great opportunity to go on a road trip and see new places or visit family. If you will be bringing your pets with you, it is important to make sure that all of you are prepared. Forsyth Veterinary Hospital in Winston-Salem offers the following travel tips in mind for your first road trip with your pets this summer. 

Dog sitting in owners suitcase.

Schedule a Checkup with our Veterinarian in Winston-Salem

Bring your pets in for a checkup before heading out on the road. Our Winston-Salem veterinary hospital can make sure your pets have updated vaccinations and parasite prevention to lower their risk of illness and other health problems. If your pets have not been microchipped, consider having this simple procedure done before your trip. 

Pack Supplies for Pet Road Trips

For pet road trips, you should plan on bringing quite a few extra items that your pets will need. These include their food, water, and bowls to put these in. You should also bring your pets’ medical records, including proof that their vaccinations are up-to-date. Other items to pack include their ID tags, a first aid kit, a leash, any medications they take, toys and pet beds. You might also want to have a couple of towels available to dry them off if it rains. To keep your pets secure inside your moving car, consider putting them in a crate or using a pet seat belt harness. 

Stop Often

Plan on making stops every two or three hours while you are on the road. Give your pet's water to drink during these stops, and take them for walks so they can get some exercise and go to the bathroom. These stops also give you a chance to stretch your legs and get some fresh air during your drive, which helps you stay alert.

Contact Our Veterinarian in Winston-Salem

If your pets need updated vaccinations, parasite prevention, wellness checkups or other care before your road trip, please contact Forsyth Veterinary Hospital. Our veterinarian in Winston-Salem offers quality pet care to help ensure that your pets remain healthy throughout your trip. Call us at 336-765-1225.