
How Pets Can Increase Your Life Expectancy

How Pets Can Increase Your Life Expectancy

According to a paper published by researchers from Sweden, having a dog might help prolong your life. Some dog owners might find this information interesting, and it might be the perfect argument about how adding a furry friend will benefit your family.

dog running in grass

Do People Who Have Pets Live Longer?

This study showed that all things equal, people who owned dogs were less likely to die from heart disease than those who didn't own a dog. Researchers compared fatalities between dog owners and non-dog owners, neither of whom had a history of heart disease. Not only was the risk of cardiovascular disease lowered by 11%, but the dog owners had decreased risks of death from other causes by 33%. 

Scientists aren't positive about the reasons, but they have some suggestions. Owning a pet, and specifically, a dog might keep a person more active (some people adopt dogs specifically for this reason). Not only must you walk and play with your dog, but you may be more likely to keep healthy when another creature is counting on you. The way having a dog affects your body's biology may also be a boon to your health.

This isn't the first study that asked the question: are having pets good for your health? A similar study by the Minnesota Stroke Institute found a connection between owning a cat and reduced likelihood of death from heart disease and even reduced probably of a heart attack. Owning either a cat or dog also contributes to lowered blood pressure. according to one study.

How Do Dogs Improve Your Mental Health?

As most pet owners will tell you, owning a pet means that the extra time you have is likely more enjoyable. Having a pet leads to fewer feelings of loneliness, and the walking your dog can increase social interaction with other people. Research shows that pets may be beneficial for people with depression, and sufferers of anxiety, autism, and ADHD may benefit from owning a support animal. 

Your pet's mere companionship may help you feel better, and people often find petting an animal to be relaxing.

Pet owners who want to provide a long and happy life for their pets can contact Forsyth Veterinary Hospital at 336-750-6300 to learn about services that keep pets healthy.