
Pet Skin Problems

Pet Skin Care From Our Salem Vet

Our Salem vet at Forsyth Veterinary Hospital is committed to providing the services you need to optimize your pet's health and wellness. In addition to our preventative care services, we also offer a wide range of pet dermatology services in our office. If your pet ever suffers from a skin disease or skin care condition, our experienced team is here to help.

pet skin care from our salem vet

Signs of Pet Skin Problems

As a pet owner, it's important to be on the lookout for signs of skin problems. Usually, the most obvious sign of a problem is when a pet won't stop scratching or biting at the same area. In some cases, the scratching, biting, or chewing may go on for so long that the pet begins to lose fur in that area, revealing the skin underneath.

This is dangerous because if the pet continues to scratch or bite at the skin, this can cause open wounds to form, which can become infected.

Common Pet Skin Diseases and Conditions

There are many common pet skin diseases and conditions that can affect dogs and cats alike. Skin allergies are among the most common causes of skin problems in pets, and these can be traced back to food allergies, environmental allergies, or even an allergy to a household product (such as laundry detergent).

Skin infections are also not uncommon in pets; these can be caused by any number of factors, ranging from conditions such as ringworm to pests such as fleas. Pet owners should also be aware of the recent prevalence of scabies (especially in dogs), as well as alopecia (fur loss) caused by parasitic infections of the skin.

How to Treat Skin Diseases in Pets

If your pet has a skin disease or condition, our veterinary team is here to help. We offer a number of treatment options to help your pet find relief and to treat the problem at its source. From topical antibiotics to allergy medications and flea medications, we can find a solution that will work best for your pet.

If your pet is showing signs of a skin issue, don't put off scheduling an appointment with Forsyth Veterinary Hospital. Call us at (336) 765-1225 to get started and take advantage of our new patient special.

Has your pet ever had a skin disease or condition?