
What to Expect: Pet Surgery

What to Expect: Pet Surgery at Forsyth Veterinary Hospital in Winston-Salem

When you hear that you pet needs veterinary surgery, it’s natural to be nervous. At Forsyth Veterinary Hospital, we have procedures in place to ensure that your pet has a successful result from the surgical procedure. Whether the upcoming surgery is something pre-planned, like spaying or neutering, or if it’s a pet emergency, our first priority is to keep you pet safe for a happy outcome.

Dog and cat sharing a pet bed.

How We Plan for Your Pet’s Safety during Surgery

At our pet hospital in Winston-Salem, we check your pet’s health before surgery to make sure s/he is fit to undergo anesthesia and surgery safely. For older pets especially, we may do blood testing to check their condition. Our veterinarians and staff are highly trained and we perform successful surgeries, including dog surgery, every day here at our veterinary hospital in Winston-Salem.

We appreciate the trust you place in us and will always do our best to ensure your pet’s health. We will carefully explain the veterinary surgery procedure in advance and can give you a tour of the operating area if you like. 

Surgery Day for Your Pet in Winston-Salem

You will likely be instructed not to allow your pet to eat after midnight the evening before. Drinking water is usually ok, but follow our vet's specific instructions for you pet. Arrive early so that you don't have to rush. In a pet emergency requiring dog surgery, we will want to know when you pet last ate as you tell us about his/her symptoms or injury. We will admit your pet to our pet hospital in Winston-Salem and you must read and sign paperwork. After admission, we will give your pet a sedative injection for relaxation, shave the surgery area and place the IV for anesthesia.

During the Procedure

Once anesthesia (including pain medication) begins, a tube is inserted into your pet’s throat for oxygen administration and for additional anesthesia during surgery. Your pet receives fluids through the IV to maintain hydration and proper blood pressure. Our vet tech carefully monitors your pet’s vitals during the procedure, including body temperature, respiration, blood oxygen level and pulse/heart rate.

Veterinary Surgery Aftercare

When surgery is completed, your pet will wake up within minutes, but may be groggy or unsteady for 24 hours. We may need to keep your pet overnight, but will usually let you know this in advance. We will give you clear instructions on how to care for your recovering pet when s/he goes home and signs to watch for that may indicate infection or complications. We'll let you know when to return for follow-up and/or possible stitch removal at our veterinary hospital in Winston-Salem. 

Looking for More Information? Contact Forsyth Veterinary Hospital today!

If your pet needs surgery, or just a checkup, count on the professionals at Forsyth Veterinary Hospital. Contact us today at 336-765-1225.