
Pokémon Go Pet Safety Guidelines

Pokémon Go Pet Safety Guidelines in Winston-Salem, NC

Has the Pokémon bug bit you? As the fastest exploding app in the history, chances are you may be chasing Pokémon monsters. Why not take your dog along with you! But first, take heed of Winston-Salem Pokémon Go pet safety guidelines before the two of you head out together.

pokemon go pet safety in Winston-Salem, NC

Recommended Guidelines by Your Winston-Salem Vet

Pokémon Go is a revolutionary idea that takes the gaming world out off the couch and out onto the street.  Forsyth Veterinary Hospital recommends these 6 safety tips.

  1. Consider leash behavior: How does your dog behave on the leash? Dogs that are leash aggressive towards other dogs or people or that pull are not good candidates as Pokémon Go partners.
  2. Be aware: Pokémon Go is so absorbing that often players are not aware of their surroundings. Keep you and your dog safe by being alert to lurking dangers such as traffic, buildings, and holes to avoid an unplanned visit to our Winston-Salem veterinarian.
  3. Remember your dog: The game has a built-in safety feature that allows you to put it in battery saver mode. When a Pokémon is nearby, your phone will buzz, but in the meantime, you can focus on walking your dog.
  4. Plan before you go: Pokémon Go takes on a life of its own which means you could easily travel a greater distance than what your dog can handle.
  5. Avoid crowds: City routes are notorious for crowded sidewalks – not a good option when you’re busy with Pokémon Go and your dog. Opt for places that are more peaceful such as a nice park or quiet neighborhood.
  6. Search out dog-friendly places: Be sure to check your destination beforehand to make sure your dog is welcome and don’t forget to bring a poop bag along with you.

If Concerned About Your Pet Bring Them into Your Winston-Salem Vet Today!

Winston-Salem veterinary hospital is thrilled about the opportunity it gives you and your dog to become healthier together. But do be careful and follow our Winston-Salem Pokemon Go Pet Safety guidelines. If you become concerned about your pet, contact us at (336) 765-1225 or bring them in today!