
Pet Safety: Spring Garden Hazards

Avoid Spring Garden Hazards in Winston-Salem, NC

Pet garden hazards, Winston-Salem Veterinarian

At Forsyth Veterinary Hospital in Winston-Salem, NC, we want all our patients to stay safe this spring. That’s why we're promoting education for pet owners in our area! Spring gardens can create a variety of hazards in our community. Knowing what you can do to protect your pet can help you avoid accidents this spring.

Common Spring Garden Hazards

Below are some of the most common spring garden hazards in the Winston-Salem area:

  • Fertilizers. Many fertilizers are toxic because of their high nitrogen content. Nitrogen can cause vomiting, diarrhea and can even result in severe pancreatitis. Many animals may not be interested in the types of fertilizers that you use on your property, but bone meal can be palatable to dogs and can also cause gastrointestinal obstructions.
  • Toxic plants. Many of the plants that are commonly planted in gardens is toxic. Day lilies, crocuses, foxglove, morning glories and oleanders are all commonly grown toxic plants. If you have an extensive garden and would like to protect your pet from accidental poisoning, talk to your pet’s veterinarian. He or she may be able to tell you which plants you grow in your yard that can be toxic to your pet.
  • Spring allergies. Many pets suffer from allergies in the spring. If your pet is affected by seasonal allergies, you may notice your pet engaging in constant scratching. This habit can cause your pet to develop a painful rash or a bald spot on his or her coat.
  • Pesticides. Pesticides are generally toxic and should never be left where a pet can reach them. If you keep pesticides on your property, put them up where your pet can’t access them.

Contact Your Winston-Salem Veterinary Hospital

For more information about how you can protect your pet from spring hazards, talk to your pet’s veterinarian your Winston-Salem animal hospital. At Forsyth Veterinary Hospital, we want to be your choice for animal medical care and Winston-Salem pet emergency care. Make an appointment today at (336) 765-1225.