Halloween Costume Safety for Fido

Halloween Costume Safety for Fido

  Spooky season is here folks. For many Halloween is a joyous occasion as one gets to frolic with classic horror movies, candy, and last but not least costumes. Despite what your told, dressing up is for everybody as many love to show their Halloween spirit through elaborate designs. After all it is absolutely adorable to see a baby dressed as anything really. Now obviously with a baby you would take the necessary precautions when dressing him or her. The same precautions should be applied when utilizing a costume for a pet. We here at the Larchmont Animal Clinic want to offer safety tips when dressing up your pet, so that you and your pet have a scary good time.

Listen To Your Pet

 As said before it’s adorable to see a baby in a costume and its just as cute to see a dog in one. However, babies could careless how you dress them, where as a dog will let you know immediately if they don’t like something. So, the first and most important tip is to always listen to your pet. Forcing them to put on something they don’t like will only increase their stress and anxiety. If you still really want to show your Halloween spirit through your pup consider going with just a small prop. Remember that sometimes less is more especially in regards to your pet’s well-being. Now let’s say your pet does enjoy his or her costume the next tip is to make sure it’s not too heavy or constricting. Dogs obviously can’t sweat so anything heavy will not only wear them out but may overheat them.  You also want to make sure they can move freely as anything that is too tight will not only affect their breathing but their stress levels as well. You will also want to make sure that the costume does not affect their senses. Dogs rely heavily on their hearing don’t place anything that would impede that.

Check On Your Pet

Once you’ve found the perfect costume that fits your dog, do not leave them out of your sight. There are just too many possibilities of them getting stuck or trapped by their costume. Once you’ve made the conscience decision to dress your pet it is your responsibility to make sure they are okay at all times. This especially important if your pet has anything very elaborate on their costume. Anything could be a potential choking hazard. The last tip we will go over is if you have a senior dog or a puppy, it may not even be worth dressing them up. Senior dogs are susceptible to a slew of problems and if your dogs has arthritis trying to get them in a costume will prove to be painful. A puppy doesn’t have the greatest coordination skills to begin with. Thus, placing them in a costume will just increase the danger of injury. Consider to just let them be as its not worth injuring your pup for just one night.

Contact Larchmont Animal Clinic in Los Angeles, CA Today!

 Although, it wasn’t mentioned some pets will not enjoy Halloween. The crazy colors, belligerent people, and loud noises can be stressful. So, remember tip number one and listen to your pet. If they are showing signs of anxiety because of Halloween just let them be. Enjoy your time and let your pet relax. After all you would not want your dog to have a terrible time during Halloween. For any more information contact our Larchmont Animal Clinic in Los Angeles, CA at 323-463-4889.