
If your pet gets lost how do you find it? Microchipping has become a popular way to identify your pet should they go missing. Having a microchip greatly increases the chance that a shelter or veterinarian can identify your pet by scanning for a microchip.

How does it work?

The microchip is a small chip about the size of a small grain of rice. It is inserted into the scruff of your pet's neck. It contains a unique number which, when registered online, provides a permanent, reliable way of identifying the pet without the need for a collar. Your pet's registration information includes your contact information, your pet's description and any important health problems.  Changing the information is as easy as going on line and making necessary updates. 

Is microchipping painful for my dog or cat?

Microchipping your pet is no more painful than any other vaccine or injection; microchipping doesn't require anesthesia and takes only seconds.

How effective is microchipping at reuniting lost pets?

The Humane Society study showed a 250% increase in reuniting microchipped and registered dogs with their owners, and a 20% increase in cats.  Microchipping works, providing your pet is also registered. 

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