Pet Anesthesia

Pet Anesthesia from a Veterinarian Near You before a Procedure/Surgery

At The Village Vet in Baltimore, MD, your pet will receive veterinary services from a dedicated team of caring professionals. We offer services to treat many health-related issues, from wellness exams and vaccinations to pet surgery. One of the veterinary questions we are asked is about anesthesia, and how it works when used on pets.

Pet Anesthesia

How Anesthesia Is Administered

There are specific steps to follow prior to a procedure, such as no food after a certain time the night before the procedure so the pet's stomach is empty. Water is the only thing your pet is allowed to have.

The vet will go over the procedure with you so you know what to expect before, during, and after the procedure/surgery. You will also receive instructions about caring for your pet once it is released from the animal hospital.

The following are the general steps for how anesthesia is administered. Each situation is based on the individual pet.

The pet's medical history is reviewed. If your pet is currently taking medication, the veterinarian will need to know beforehand to adjust the anesthesia. A pre-procedure exam is generally given, and blood tests may be done.

Safety is a priority. A plan will be implemented based on your pet's breed, size, age, and if there are any pre-existing conditions.

A small portion of the pet's leg is shaved, and an IV catheter is inserted, allowing medications and fluids to be given intravenously, such as a pre-sedative, which calms the pet, reducing stress and anxiety and relieving pain.

The next step is to administer general anesthesia. The pet will be rendered unconscious in about one minute. This is followed by intubating the pet, which requires the placement of a tube into the windpipe. The tube allows oxygen and anesthetic gas to flow freely into the pet's mouth. The mixture keeps the pet unconscious throughout the procedure/surgery.

Monitoring and Recovery

A technician will have the responsibility of continuously monitoring the pet's vital signs. Pet owners can be assured that their pet will be continuously monitored throughout the procedure and once their pet is in recovery.

Get Veterinary Care and Pet Anesthesia from a Veterinarian Near You for Your Pet’s Procedure/Surgery

At The Village Vet, our Baltimore, MD, staff is well-versed in administering general anesthesia. If you have any questions about the process, our team will gladly explain how it works for your pet and what to expect when he or she comes home. Call us at (410) 367-8111 for veterinary care and a pet procedure/surgery from a veterinarian near you.